35. Types

25 2 1

Snow's POV

     Snow gently shook Cynthia awake. The blond Champion was asleep on the mat in her room. She smiled as her friend opened her grey eyes, and then immediately rolled over because of the brightness.

     "Wake up, sleepyhead," Snow said with a laugh. Cynthia sat up eventually, rubbing her eyes and adjusting to the sunlight.

     "Ugh. I am not a morning person," she said, sleep still in her eyes. She brushed her hair out of her face and stood up. "I'm going to get dressed." Snow nodded and went downstairs to get her breakfast ready. She warmed up some of the leftover bacon from earlier that morning and cut up an apple. Snow placed it on the table at the same time Cynthia walked down the stairs.

     "So, Cynthia, I was wondering if we could train together. You're a Champion, after all, and Axol's gotten a head start on me." Snow asked while Cynthia was stuffing her face. The Champion looked up from her breakfast and nodded emphatically.

     "Sure thing," she said. "Let me finish my breakfast first, though." Snow laughed lightly and petted Glaceon, who was curled up under the table at her feet. She stood up and started cleaning the kitchen. It was Axol's turn to wash the dishes, though. Glaceon padded after her, rubbing against Snow's leg lovingly. The Ice-type Trainer crouched down and embraced her partner in a big hug.

     Cynthia stood up, finished with her breakfast, her long blond hair still unbrushed. Snow tossed her a hairbrush and laughed when the Champion fumbled and dropped it. Cynthia picked it up from the ground and began brushing her hair, a ordeal that would take at least ten minutes. Snow walked to her Poké Balls, Glaceon padding behind her.

     "All right, come on out everyone!" she said, tossing all her Poké Balls in the air. Snow's Articuno, Froslass, Reshiram, Lycanroc, Sandslash, Shroomish and Charizard all came out, talking amongst themselves and hopping around.

     "Funny how only three of your eight Pokémon are actually Ice-types," Cynthia said. Snow just shrugged and petted Reshiram.

     "I like to keep things varied. Plus, Ice-types have quite a few type weaknesses, so if a challenger comes at me with Fire-type Pokémon, I'll be ready," Snow said. "I still love Ice-types the most, though. Awww, Reshy, you're too cute." The Vast White Pokémon let out a happy noise and rubbed its head against Snow's. "Go get your breakfast." All her Pokémon except for Glaceon, who had eaten already, hopped over to their food bowls, devouring their Pokémon food in a matter of instants. After they had all finished, Snow looked up to Cynthia, who had finally finished brushing her hair. The Champion put the hairbrush down and clapped her hands together.

     "Well, let's get started!" Cynthia said. Snow grinned and brought all of her Pokémon outside, Cynthia doing the same with Garchomp, Gastrodon, Milotic, Spiritomb, and her Lucario.

     "Now, let's first run to warm up," the blonde said. All the Pokémon and their Trainers began running barefoot on the warm sand, laughing and racing with their Pokémon. Soon after, they were practicing moves, then having their Pokémon battle each other without commands from either Trainer.

     "Let's battle now," Snow said. She was tired, yes, but she was still happy and laughing and carefree. Cynthia nodded and got into her battling stance, Snow in front of her, separated by a good length of sand. "This'll be a one-on-one battle, then." Both Trainers chose a Poké Ball and tossed it into the air.

     "Garchomp, let's go!" Cynthia yelled. Just as I expected.

      "Let's do this, Sandslash!" Snow smiled. Ice-type attacks are four times as effective against Dragon-types. But I have to be careful, since Alolan Sandslash is vulnerable to Ground-type attacks.

     Cynthia nodded to Snow to begin the battle. Snow thrust her hand in the air.

     "Sandslash, Blizzard!" she yelled. Even though Blizzard's accuracy wasn't high, when she used it as a first move, it almost always hit, and it was no different now. The Blizzard hit Garchomp hard, dealing a lot of damage. Cynthia gritted her teeth.

     "Garchomp, Dragon Tail!" she yelled. Snow smiled.

     "Metal Claw!" Snow yelled. Both attacks hit, leaving Sandslash doubled over, but Garchomp on the ground. Slowly, Garchomp got up and rushed forward with a second Dragon Tail that Snow wasn't expecting. 

     "Now, use Earthquake!" Cynthia nodded. Snow froze. This was not good for Sandslash.

     "Sandslash, jump!" But it was too late. The Earthquake hit, leaving Sandslash on the ground this time, knocked out. Snow smiled and returned her Pokémon. "Thank you." Cynthia walked forwards, clapping Snow on the back.

     "That was a great battle. But next time you should be worried about type advantages as well." the Champion offered. Snow laughed and hugged Cynthia.

     "I agree. I'll do better next time," she said. They finished up their training and headed inside, exhausted but satisfied with the progress the two Trainers had made.

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