12. School

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Snow's POV

     "Axol, I think you should go to school," Snow said, while making dinner. Axol, who was sprawled out on the couch, sat up.

     "But it's summer! In summer, we have free time and everyone's on vacation." he protested. Snow nodded.

     "I meant, for the coming fall semester. I'm already too old to go to school here since they don't have any upper level schools in Alola, but you can still enroll in the Pokémon School." she said. Axol sighed, and then opened his laptop.

     "Lemme do some research first, then," Axol said. "If I'm gonna go to school, it has to be a good school. Like, I'll learn stuff." Snow nodded.

     "Of course. Go ahead," she said. "Not that it's going to change my mind." Axol laughed and scrolled.

Time skip: about two weeks later

     As the sun rose and streamed in through the skylight, Snow opened her eyes. When she didn't see the wallpaper of the hotel room around her, her heartbeat spiked, but then she realized that she and Axol had moved to Professor Kukui's place. The hotel room was too small for a long-term place to stay, and the professor was more than willing to let Axol and Snow stay at his house. She stretched out on the long couch. As the older sibling, she got the loft, while Axol slept on the downstairs couch. Glaceon, who was still asleep, had its head resting on her lap, ears down. Absentmindedly, Snow stroked the light blue fur of her partner.

     The week before, Snow had enrolled Axol in the Pokémon School on Mele'mele Island. The first day of school was...TODAY?!

     Snow rolled out of bed as fast as she could. Axol was late already! She hurriedly slid down the ladder to the main floor, and shook Axol awake. Axol, who was sprawled out on the couch, his arms and legs askew, opened his eyes, revealing a sliver of dark brown.

     "Axol, you have school today. Hurry up and get dressed! I'll make breakfast," she said. Axol sprang upwards. filled with energy despite having just woken up.

     "Crap," he said. He changed out of his pajamas into his usual bright orange T-shirt , black shorts, and hat. Snow ran to make some instant oatmeal. As she placed the bowl on the table, Professor Kukui walked into the main room, with his usual unbuttoned lab coat and bare chest. Snow averted her eyes, feeling uncomfortable.

     "You know, you have half an hour before you have to get going," he said, a smile on his face. Axol's eyes flew open.

     "We have half an hour more?! I could've slept for longer!" he exclaimed. Snow just shook her head and laughed.

     "Seriously. Axol. If you had woken up any later, you wouldn't have gotten to school in time." she said. Axol shook his head and tossed a Poké Ball in the air, Dragonite coming out.

     "I got a harness for Dragonite, so I can fly on him now," he said. "If it can go around the world in 16 hours, then it can get me to school in a flash." Dragonite nodded. Snow laughed.

     "Then we can train on the beach after you finish you breakfast," she said with a smile. Axol sighed jokingly and nodded, eating his oatmeal in furious spoonfuls. Snow changed into her regular light blue hoodie and black leggings, sliding her usual three knives into her belt. After putting on her black boots, she walked outside to the beach. The sun was rising, coloring the ocean a brilliant shade of orange and vermillion. She smiled to herself. If Gladion were here, what would he think? She shook her head. Even though she tried, she couldn't get the blonde boy out of her head. What was it with him? She shook her head a second time, and then heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she smiled at her little brother.

     "I'm going to beat you this time," she remarked, laughing. Axol grinned and got into his battling stance, Dragonite in front of him. Snow laughed and tossed a Repeat Ball into the air. "Let's go, Reshy." Thrusting her hand in front of her, she made the first move.

     "Reshiram, use Overheat!" she said. Dragonite got hit by the fiery heat, dealing a considerable amount of damage.

     "Use Steel Wing!" Axol yelled. Snow smirked. Reshiram was resistant to Steel-type attacks, whereas Dragonite didn't have any special resistance or weakness against Fire-type attacks. Reshiram took the attack without any difficulty.

     "Now use Dragon Breath!" she said. Dragonite managed to dodge the brunt of the attack, but because of the attack type advantage, it still took a lot of damage. Snow crossed her arms in front of her, a Darkium-Z in her Z-Ring.

     "Reshiram, this is our first time doing a Z-Move, but I trust you. We can do this." she said to the Vast White Pokémon.

     "The night is constant, but we burn through," she said, her eyes closed again. "Take the power of the darkness, and make it your own!" she said, her voice growing until it became a scream. "Reshiram, use Black Hole Eclipse!"

     The entire beach was surrounded in darkness. Dragonite was sucked into the black hole, and once the dust cleared, Dragonite was on the beach, its eyes dull. Reshiram had won.

     "We did it!" Snow yelled, running to embrace her partner. Reshiram growled in happiness, as Snow returned her partner. She smiled and held out her hand to her brother. "Just in time as well. It's time for you to go to school. Have a Full Restore." Axol grinned and took the Full Restore, restoring Dragonite to full health. Dragonite stood up and nuzzled Axol, who took out the harness, and got on his partner.

     "See ya later!" he said, flying away. He was right. Dragonite is fast, Snow thought to herself.

     "Have a great first day!" Snow yelled, waving. Once Axol was out of sight, she smiled to herself, and turned back to Kukui's house.

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