11. "𝚆𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎."

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Harvey and I got back to the hotel and we had been linking arms, until I had the sudden urge to run.

"Race you to the elevator?" I call, behind me, already running through the lobby. We got a few weird looks from people but in the moment, I was having the time of my life.

"Oh it's on!" Harvey said, catching up to me.

I sprint to the elevators dodging the few people in the lobby late at night.

"Hey!" He called after me.

I giggled as I kept running.

Gradually, I started to slow down when I got near to the elevators and looked behind me. Harvey wasn't too far away but I still pressed the button in victory. I wave my hands over my head and pant while cheering myself.

Just as Harvey got to me, I was met with a satisfying ding noise and then the elevator doors opened. We got in without saying a word, still breathless and standing either side of the small box.

When the doors shut and Harvey had pressed the button of his floor, he broke the silence, "To be fair, I had a bag of food that slowed me down." He said raising the bag and pointing to it.

I just laughed at him and shook my head.

The elevator stopped at the next floor up. The doors opened to five women, dressed up beautifully and one wearing a 'bride to be' sash. All of the ladies were chatting away, too excited to acknowledge us.

I shuffled closer to Harvey, still not quite touching him. As the ladies pilled in, I obliviously stepped further to my right. My body hit another causing me to become a little startled but I relaxed when I realised the only person next to me was Harvey.

I breathed out and took a step away from Harvey to face him. Harvey and I were standing super close. Our eyes met and we chuckled a little at the awkward atmosphere for a couple of moments. I stared at his eyes a little longer, getting lost amongst the hazel brown.

The doors still hadn't closed and I could tell they were waiting for someone else when they all started poking their heads out of the doors and obstructing them with their hands.

"Ashley! We're gonna be late!" One of them shouted. I furrowed my eyebrows from the shout as it was really loud and my face turned sour. Harvey looked down at me, concerned. Loud noises startled me after my mum always shouting at me.

"I'm here." The woman, supposedly called Ashley said, cramming herself in.

The elevator doors closed and everyone shifted in the uncomfortable tight space causing the woman behind me to shove me with her bag. I stumbled into Harvey but he caught me, his hands around my wrists.

For a couple of moments I just stay there too lazy to move. My head was in his chest, his aftershave going right up my nose, and I had moved my arms into a more comfortable position, around his torso. He was now leaning against the wall of the elevator, me pinned against him.

The woman now had a little space to shuffle after I fell and she just moved closer to us. For me and Harvey, the space was now very enclosed and I had a bag shoved uncomfortably into my back.

I struggled for a moment, pulling myself away from Harvey and trying to stand upright again using the wall to steady myself. "Sorry," I mouthed, looking up into his eyes. He just smiled and slowly pulled me back towards him, making me tense in shock. The butterflies in my stomach then became restless.

Harvey wrapped his arms around my body looking down at me. I was only a couple of inches shorter than him but he still had to look down. The handle of the food bag was draped across one of his forearms as our faces came closer. I looked between his eyes and lips, really badly wanting to kiss them. We were so close I could feel his breath on my lips.

There was another ding noise when the doors finally opened, snapping us out of whatever was happening. The women started to shuffle out and we could move again. I was able to untangle myself from Harvey and step back a few paces.

Luckily for us, all of the women turned right to walk down the hallway whereas we turned left.

"Well that was... something, huh?" He said chuckling.

"That was awful." I thought about what I had said just then and caught myself, "NOT THE HUG THING. The hug was great, definitely not awful at all."

"I got it. I liked the hug too. We should do it again sometime." He said, looking at me and smiling cheekily.

I mentally kicked myself and stopped walking down the hallway when Harvey did. Suddenly, we heard an eruption of cheers from behind the door and laughter. I looked up at Harvey, confused. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the key card out of his back pocket and shoved open the door.

"Hey- ayy!" Max and Alex cheered. The two were trying to throw Haribos into each other's mouths out of boredom.

"Oh hey guys." Alex called, stopping the game and waving at us. Max then turned around and ran up to us. I close the door behind us, watching Max get over excited about food.

"Yes!" He says, taking his box out of the bag.

We all settle on the two double beds and start eating in silence. Max and Alex across from Harvey and I.

"So how far away is our hotel?" I ask Alex after taking a bite of my chicken burger.

"Did you not read the sign when you came in? This is our hotel." She laughs through her mouthful of food and hands me a key card.

I take it happily, sliding it into my pocket.

After finishing our food and tidying up, we get comfortable on the beds to watch a movie.

"What movies are you guys into?" Max asks.

"Anything really, I just can't deal with a scary movie tonight." I say.

"How about Kingsman?"

"Sure." Alex responds.

I prop up a few pillows behind my back and get comfy. Harvey sits the other side of the bed, occasionally looking at his phone every now and then. Memories of us earlier made short appearances in my mind every so often. How we were so close and our bodies were intertwined.

The silence was nice and it felt normal. I just didn't want the night to have to come to an end.

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