16. "𝚂𝚘, 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍?"

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I heard the front door close over an hour ago and a car pull off of the drive. Obviously Mum was bored and was going out for a drink and a flirt.

It's now 3:30pm and Alex and Sue should be here any second. She text me not too long ago telling me she was on the way. They had also put Honey in the back and I had sorted out her dog bag earlier.

No one was home. It's just me in my bedroom. I scan the room one more time to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. I turn around to my suitcase, checking my pocket for my phone and headphones. I shuffle out of my room with my suitcase and other small shoulder bag full of Honey's things such as toys and treats.

I manoeuvred my bag down the stairs cautiously, making sure I don't accidentally hit the walls. My mum would definitely kill me if I did although she's already going to do that once she finds out where I've gone.

My best option might be to never go back. Maybe I could stay with Alex. I mean they've offered it before but I didn't want to be annoying. I know it was their choice but I would still feel like I was in the way.

Just as I was rushing down the stairs, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming!" I shouted as I placed my bag down in the hallway.

"Hey!" Alex exclaimed as I opened the front door.

"Hey!" I said back, rushing back inside to slip on some shoes.

"So," Alex started as she lent against the door frame and watched me put my shoes on, "Honey's on the backseat. You can sit with her on the trip down. Max text me and told me that we'll be leaving at around 10 in the morning so no late nights."

What Alex really means by that is 'stay up as late as you want, just remember to set an alarm'. I slap my knees once I finish tying my shoelaces and stand up. I pull up the handle of the suitcase and wheel it out the door.

Before I turned around to lock the door I patted all my pockets, making 100 percent I had everything.

"Mum went out again?" Alex asked, breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah." I sighed, putting the key in the lock and shutting the door.

I pull up the strap of the bag on my shoulder and grab the handle of the suitcase again, wheeling it down my driveway.

Alex gets to the car before me and opens the boot. She comes up to me and takes my suitcase from me. I keep hold of my bag and get in the backseat on the drivers side.

"Hey Honey!" I practically squeal as she whines of happiness.

Her tail starts to wag rapidly and she becomes restless. That was the longest I had ever left her. I don't like to leave her overnight. I pet her head as I say hello again to Sue.

"Her bed and bowls are in the boot and she's wearing her lead and collar." Sue says as Alex gets in the passenger seat.

"Ok! Perfect." I say clipping my seat belt in.

After a moment, the car starts up and Honey calms down. She lays down and rests her head on my thighs.

I put on of my headphone in and left the other out so I could talk. I shuffled my playlist and started to stroke Honey. I looked out the window as it started to rain slightly.

The drive to Berkshire was really calm. It's like time had stopped and I had time to recover from all the craziness that happened yesterday.

"How far away are we? I'll text Harvey and let him know when we'll be there." I say after about 40 minutes.

"We'll be there in about 5-10 minutes. I'll pop in for a couple of minutes to see Sara and just check everything over with her." Sue says, looking in the mirror to look at me.

I nod and message Harvey.



Be there in about 5-10 mins
Honey's excited!

Ok! Can't wait to see you again!


I put my phone back on my lap and stare out the window again.

A couple minutes later, we pull off the motorway and Sue drives down a couple roads before pulling over in front of a driveway.

"Here we are." She smiles.

"Omg! I can't wait!" Alex says, opening her door.

I take hold of Honey's lead and open the door to get out. She follows behind me, jumping onto the road.

As we open the boot, the door to the house opens revealing Max and Sara.

"Hey, do you want some help?" Sara asks.

"If you wouldn't mind." I say back.

They both walk over to us, Sue coming up behind me.

"Oh hi! You must be Sue! I'm Sara." Sara says introducing herself.

I turn away from them only to bump into Max's chest. I look at him apologetically but instead of him laughing like I thought he would, he pulls me into a massive bear hug.

"What's this for?" I ask confused.

"Harvey told me and Jenna everything. I hope you don't mind." He says.

"No, I don't mind. It's better out in the open I guess."

He pulls away and bends down to Honey. She wags her tail excitedly and jumps onto Max. He wobbles, losing his balance slightly but manages to stay upright. He chuckles petting her and standing back up again.

Alex had starting taking things into the house leaving me with Honey.

"Max, could you get Honey's bed please?" I ask, picking up my suitcase.

"Sure." He says.

He carries it to the front door where Jenna now stood.

"Jenna!" I shout.

I run up to her with Honey and give her a massive hug.

"Hi!" She squeals.

"Where's Harvey?" I ask.

"I think he's still getting ready. He looked really nervous when you text him earlier." She nudged me in the arm causing me to blush.

"And who's this?" She asks, bending down to stroke Honey.

"Oh this is my dog, Honey. Sara said she could stay here."

"Come through!" Paul calls from another room as we all shuffle through the front door.

Max and Alex were already in the living room with Paul, who was looking very businesslike on his phone, and I heard the front door shut behind us.

"Tea anyone?" Sara asked poking her head into the living room.

"No thanks." I replied.

Max plopped Honey's bed in the corner of the room as I unclipped her lead.

"So are you excited?" Max asked as Jenna and I joined him and Alex on the sofas.

"Of course we are!" Alex and I replied back, smiling like lunatics.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞//𝐇.𝐊.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now