Chapter 1

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Kurt Hummel wasn't lucky. At Westvale, his old high school, he had fallen in love with someone. This someone unfortunately, was straight and ended up becoming his step-brother. Also, at Westvale, he had been bullied. Bad. Sure, he had friends but they didn't seem to care. They had thought he was being over dramatic. And on top of that, he lost what little friends he had when he was sent to William McKinley High School at the beginning of his junior year. And that readers, is where our story begins.

Kurt's first impression of McKinley was that it was exactly the same as Westvale. Football players seemed to think the school was their kingdom, cheerleaders gossiped, band kids walked around hoping not to be seen by the popular kids. Surprising to him though, were all the guys carrying cups of slushies? He didn't understand until.....


It was like being slapped by an iceberg.

"Welcome to McKinley, lady!" one of the guys in letterman jackets called out. Another took his satchel and dumped its contents on the ground, many of the papers getting soaked in Red Dye Number 6. Kurt felt like he wanted to cry. His outfit and textbooks were ruined. He started to pick up his book on Advanced French when something stopped him. He saw another person reaching for it.

He looked up and saw a boy. He had soft hazel eyes, hair with maybe just a little but too much gel in it, glasses, a tight black shirt, and REALLY bright red pants. The outfits was all pulled together with a bowtie.

"As you could probably tell, that was the football team." The boy said while picking up a notebook titled Physics. "Wow you have really nice handwriting."

"Thank you. And you don't need to help me clean up all of this. Class is starting soon and I don't want to be the reason you're late." Kurt said.

"It's no trouble. Really." The boy answered back. "Do you know where your next class is? I'm guessing you're new here."

"Do you know where French is? That's my first class." Kurt said.

"You take a left over there and then go to the hallway across from it, after that you take a right at Mr. Schuester's room..... you know what, I'll just show you." He said, and held his hand out. It took Kurt a few seconds to realize what he meant, then took his hand and they started walking.

"I didn't catch your name by the way." The boy said. Kurt resisted the urge to say "I didn't throw it." And answered him.

"Kurt. And you?" Kurt asked.

"My name's Blaine." The boy, well Blaine said. "And here we are. French class. I hope to see you later Kurt."

"Just wondering, what class do you have during first period?" Kurt asked.

"Oh um Chemistry." Blaine answered.

"Isn't that near the entrance?"

"Sure is."

"That's on the other side of the building."

"I know." Blaine said and smiled, and walked down the hall. He heard the bell ring and knew that he was late to class. But for some reason, that didn't bother him. He didn't know what but something told him that him and Kurt were going to be very good friends.


So that's the end of the first chapter! Hope you liked it, this is my first fanfiction. If you enjoyed this, be sure to like, comment and vote! 

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