Chapter 2

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French was over, then Precalculus, then English and before Kurt knew it, it was lunch time.

The cafeteria, Kurt decided, was the worst place in the school. All the cliques had their own table and seemed to sneer at Kurt if he got too close. He was headed to an empty table until a short brunette girl stopped him.

"Hello, you must be new here. My name is Rachel Berry, the star of the New Directions. That's our school's Glee Club. I would like to invite you to auditions. We're short a few people this year and need more people to sway in the back while I perform breathtaking solos." The first thing Kurt noticed about Rachel was her reindeer sweater.

"I'm Kurt Hummel. When are auditions?" Kurt asked.

"Tomorrow in the auditorium at 4. Hope to see you there!" With that she walked off. As soon as Kurt started to walk away, another voice came from Rachel's table.

"Hey white boy! Come sit over here! There's an empty seat next to me and Brittany!" A girl shouted. "I'm Mercedes Jones, nice to meet you Kurt."

"Pleasure to meet you too Mercedes." He sat down in the seat.

"I can't believe Lord Tubbington! He relapsed again and since he sold my car for drugs, I can't drive him to rehab!" The blonde girl named Brittany next to Kurt exclaimed. He found it unusual, but the rest of the kids went on talking like she says things like this all the time. Then she turned to him and said, "Are you a unicorn?"


"She's asking if you're gay Lady Lips." The latina girl next to Brittany said. "Pretty sure we all know the answer is yes though."

"Yes, Brittany. I am gay. Do you guys have a problem with that because if so....." Kurt started to stand up a little.

"I'm not homophobic. In fact, I have to gay dads.." Rachel started a long speech about how she was created and all that jazz.

"And I'm bilingual." Brittany said.

"I think you mean bisexual Brittany." An Asian boy from the other side of the table said. Brittany just shrugged.

"I hope you don't mind my asking....." Kurt gestured to the latina girl.


"I hope you don't mind my asking Santana but are you and Brittany dating? You two seem very close." He finished.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that. Because if you do, I will go all Lima Heights..."

"Santana! Sorry Kurt, she's very protective of her relationship with Brittany." Mercedes said. After a death glare from Santana she decided to change the subject. "So, do you watch the Bachelorette?"

"Of course!" Kurt said. He and Mercedes spent the rest of the lunch period discussing who Clare was meant to end up with, and who was just plain awful.


The rest of the day trudged on, but Kurt's spirits were much higher than they were when he first stepped in the building. He walked outside and waited for Finn by the car. Finally he saw Finn waving goodbye to a guy who looked like he had glued a dead squirrel to his head.

"Hey little bro!" Finn walked over to the car. "Guess what? I made the football team!" He did a little celebration dance that looked like he was going into cardiac arrest. Kurt of course kept that to himself not wanting to rain on Finn's parade. "So how was your day?"

"It was good." And it had been. He met nice kids in Glee Club, and had an audition tomorrow. Sure, he had been slushies, but because of it he had met Blaine. Overall, it had been a nice day.

"That's great dude. Anyway, we should get home. My mom's making spaghetti!" Finn said excitedly. So they hopped in the car and drove home, with Finn talking about Carole flavors the sauce just right the entire ride home.


That was chapter two! If you have any writing tips, please let me know!

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