Chapter 5

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Weeks zoomed by and before you knew it, Halloween had arrived. This of course meant that Puck was throwing a Halloween party, which was another word for where teenagers got drunk. Kurt couldn't care less about the party, but Finn kept insisting he go. So on the 31st of October at 8:00, Kurt and Finn pulled into the Puckerman's driveway. They were greeted by an already drunken Puck.

¨Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Finn! Helloooooooooooooo Kurt! Your voice is sooooooooooooooo pretty! Sing me Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I'll start! Twinkleeeeeeeee Twinkleeeeeeeeeeeeeee little star, how I wonder what youuuuu..¨ Puck was cut off by Santana yelling.

¨Brittney I love you soooooooooooo much! Why are you walking to the bar without me? Do you hate me? Brittney come back!¨ Santana started crying and then went over to Mike and hugged him aggressively. Tina glared at Santana and dragged Mike away. Drunk girls are 90% of the reason that Kurt didn't care for parties.

¨Wow these guys are really drunk! Right Finn? Finn?¨ Kurt turned to his right to see that Finn had disappeared. This is fine. Kurt thought. He walked into the house and looked around. Tina and Mike were now dancing and to Kurt's surprise, so were Finn and Rachel. So that's where he went! He thought. Finchel. Why not? Quinn was standing on the couch yelling at Puck. Brittney and Sam were acting like strippers and Santana was weeping telling Brittney to strip faster. Artie was blindly wheeling around and kept running into Mercedes who would burst out laughing every single time. Blaine was in the back corner singing a slow version of Hermione Can't Draw. How he still sounded good, Kurt had no idea.

"Kurtieeeeee! Come here." Blaine pulled Kurt into a tight hug. It was nice, but still made Kurt a little uncomfortable. Blaine's hair had become ungelled, and seeing it Kurt wondered why he didn't wear it like this more often. It was........cute. Yes, Kurt would be lying if he said he didn't find Blaine attractive, but he tried not to think anything of it. He can find his friends attractive. And have a perfectly platonic relationship.

Blaine finally released for the hug he was keeping Kurt in. ¨Kurt. Kurt. Kurtie. Kurt. Listen to my pickup line!¨ Kurt nodded. ¨Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? 'Cuz you a snack!¨ Blaine looked impressed with himself.

¨Hey bro, um I'm going to drive Rachel home and maybe stay there for a little bit. Do you feel comfortable staying here or do you want to come with me?¨ Finn asked Kurt.

¨Wankyyyyyyyyyyyyy.¨ Santana said from the couch where her and Brittney were making out.

Kurt thought about it. He wasn't a huge fan of parties, but he wasn't sure how much Rachel Berry (especially a drunk Rachel Berry) he could take. ¨Thanks, but I think I'll stay here.¨

¨Don't worry Finnocence! I can drive Kurt home!¨ Blaine drunkenly strutted over and slung his arm around Kurt's shoulder.

¨I'll get home somehow. Don't worry about it. But if you get so much of a hairline scratch on my car, I'll tell Dad and Carole what I found on your browser history.¨

¨Okay! Not a scratch! See you later dude.¨ Finn led Rachel out the door while she serenaded him to My Headband.

¨Kurt! Get over here!¨ Quinn had moved on from yelling at Puck and was stomping over to Kurt. ¨Why don't you have a boyfriend? You're perfect Kurt! Why can't all the gay men of Ohio see that? You. Deserve. The. World. And to be happy! And how are you the most fabulous person ever? Why is that! How can you be so perfect?!¨ Quinn's tone of voice sounded like she would be telling someone off, but she did say some nice things. Drunk Glee kids are weird. Kurt thought.

¨Thank you, Quinn." Kurt said more like a question. Then she went back to yelling at Puck. Once Quinn left, Kurt started walking around the room to find a place to sit and started to hear bits of conversations.

¨Lord Tubbington is trying to smite me down just because I told the police about his drug cartel.¨

¨You guys better get ready for, White Chocolate!¨

¨YoU mAkE mE fEeL lIkE i'M lIvIn' A tEeNaGe DrEaM!¨

¨I can't believe what you did to my body, I USED TO HAVE ABS!

¨Geometry is easy, yo!¨

¨For Christmas I want for Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff.¨

Oh brother. Kurt thought. What have I gotten myself into?

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