Chapter 15

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I would buy that book...........

"Kurt I'm very sorry but I need you there!" Rachel exclaimed. She had recently gotten a pool and wanted to have the entire glee club over. Of course she wanted this to happen on the day of Kurt and Blaine's date. "I'll make it up to you! Please! Can't you reschedule?"

"Can't you?" He shot back. Kurt had been looking forward to this date for a while, he had even picked out his outfit. Sure he loved Rachel to death, but this was important to him. And he knew what was going to happen if he went. Puck would bring wine coolers and everyone but Finn and him would get drunk. Santana would cry and Brittney would start stripping. He would enjoy going to Breadstix with Blaine much more than that. 

"Kurt please! I'll give you the solo in glee club this week!" Rachel offered. "Just please. You're my best friend." Kurt sighed. 

"Fiiiiiiiine. But you owe me big time Rach." Kurt finally agreed. Rachel gave an enthusiastic clap and hugged him. She did this a lot. 

"Thank you Kurt, you truly are my best friend! I'll call the glee club, they will be ecstatic!" She cheered and started to make phone calls. "Hello Puckerman. I would like to invite you to a party at my house, 7 o'clock tonight. Okay, great. Hello Santana. I would like to invite you to a party at my house......." Rachel gave the same message to every glee club member, but Kurt stopped listening when she got to Sam's name on her list. He also needed to make a call.

Having an overwhelming feeling of guilt, Kurt dialed Blaine's number. He picked up on the second attempt. "Hi Blaine."

"Hello!  What's up? I'm so excited for tonight!" Blaine answered, twisting the knife without knowing it. 

"Yeah about that..." Kurt started. "You see Rachel really needs me for this thing, I'm so sorry! Could we reschedule? I'm so sorry." There was a pause.

"Oh of course." Blaine sounded disappointed. "I got Rachel's call so, I guess I'll see you at seven tonight. Just not at Breadstix." Blaine tried (and failed) to add a hint of cheer to his voice.

"Okay. See you there." Kurt hung up, then turned to Rachel. "Now you really owe me big time."


As Kurt had predicted, Puck had brought alcohol. And of course, almost everyone wore revealing bathing suits. Even Rachel, which Santana commented on. Thankfully, nobody had any drinks yet. Kurt figured it would be a good 20 minutes before everyone was flat-out drunk. And 40 before either Puck or Santana puked in the pool and Rachel bit their heads off. I hate parties. He thought. 

These were Kurt's thought as he walked into the Berry's backyard where 'American Boy' was blaring from speakers. Brittney waved him over. She was wearing a little pink bikini with her hair in two braids and sitting in the pool. "My sweet unicorn! Come sit with me, Blaine Warbler, and Sam!" She called. He hesitantly walked over and sat down in one of the chairs near the edge of the pool. "I'm so happy to see you Kurt! I'm glad that you came here to spend time with soon to be drunk teenagers instead of going somewhere else like Breadstix or a movie!"

 Both Kurt and Blaine shifted uncomfortably. Sam noticed. "Hey Brittney, could you grab drinks with me?" He asked. Brittney unfortunately didn't pick up on what Sam meant. 

"Sorry Sam. I can't go into the house. I'm soaked." She said, then she understood. She dragged Sam into the pool. "And you can't either. Blaine Warbler, sweet dolphin, will you please grab us some drinks?" They nodded and went inside. "Hey Sam, I spy with my little eyes, something that starts with s."

Sam started guessing. "Santana? Shirts? Skirts? Salsa?" She shook her head.

"The sexual tension between Kurt and Blaine."


Meanwhile inside Kurt and Blaine were discovering that they didn't know how to make drinks. So far Blaine had poured 3 tablespoons of salt into one and Kurt had put grenadine and lime juice into a beer. Blaine started laughing. 

"What?" Kurt questioned, his brow furrowed. Blaine just shook his head.

"You're just so committed to making that drink." Blaine replied. Kurt turned the other way. "Don't embarrassed, it's adorable." Shit. Blaine thought. 

"Um, thanks." Kurt blushed. Then he took the drink and threw it in the trash, and grabbed a new one. Blaine handed him salt. "Is that all you put in there?"

Blaine nodded. "What? Is that not how you make drinks? Sorry, I've never made one before. So I don't know what to do." Then he grinned. "We don't actually need to make drinks. We can just bring the beers out. I'll grab.... four?"

"No thanks. I don't drink." Kurt replied. Blaine started to walk out. "Wait!" He whipped around. "Do you maybe want to stay inside a bit longer?" He asked timidly. Blaine smiled and sat down on the kitchen island. Kurt climbed up as well. 

They sat there for a few moments before Blaine opened his mouth. Heather (if you remember her from a few chapters ago) had told him to be completely honest. So that's what he was going to do. Courage. "Kurt I need to say something." Kurt nodded for him to continue. "So when you asked me to Breadstix I was really excited. And it wasn't because of the free bread sticks. It's because I thought it was a date. And not like a 'friend date'. A real date. What I'm trying to say is, I really like you. But not like a friend." Blaine nervously awaited Kurt's reaction.

Kurt was smiling like crazy, and took Blaine's hand. After he slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against Blaine's. It was magical. After a few seconds they both pulled away, faces red. 

"Oh thank god!" Blaine said. He was relieved that his confession had went so well. Otherwise things would be very awkward until graduation. "I was so nervous that you would run away or laugh."

"That would have be awkward." Kurt agreed. Then he leaned in for another kiss. What they had forgotten was the entire glee club could see this play out.

"GET SOME HUMMEL!" Santana called. Finn looked stunned, muttering something about his little brother. Brittney and Sam fist-bumped. Mercedes and Rachel went around saying they had called it. Quinn didn't see anything because she was vomiting in the bushes. 

"Ah my otp." Puck came out of the bathroom. Kurt gave him the finger, and Blaine was just very confused.

In the pool area however, there was girl hurting inside. Rachel loved that her friends were happy, but that didn't change how lonely she felt. She loved the girl puking her guts out a few yards away, but couldn't do anything about it. Bisexuality cut her like a knife. But as she looked over to her 'best gays' in her kitchen, a thought popped into her head. If she wanted to come out she should at least know how. It was decided. By next Friday, Rachel will have come out to Klaine. 


Yay! Klaine!

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