Chapter 3

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At 4:00 pm the next day Kurt entered the auditorium. In the seats he saw the kids from yesterday at lunch, the boy that Finn had been talking to (Kurt was pretty sure his name was Noah), Blaine, and a man with a vest and hair that looked like it had been permed. He stepped onto the stage and took a deep breath.

"Hello I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be singing Mr. Cellophane." Mercedes and Brittany gave him enthusiastic looks, and Kurt started singing.

If Someone Stood Up In A Crowd

And Raised His Voice Up Way Out Loud

And Waved His Arm And Shook His Leg

You'd Notice Him

If Someone In The Movie Show

Yelled "Fire In The Second Row

This Whole Place Is A Powder Keg!"

You'd Notice Him

And Even Without Clucking Like A Hen

Everyone Gets Noticed, Now And Then,

Unless, Of Course, That Personage Should Be

Invisible, Inconsequential Me!


Mister Cellophane

Shoulda Been My Name

Mister Cellophane

'Cause You Can Look Right Through Me

Walk Right By Me

And Never Know I'm There...

I Tell Ya


Mister Cellophane

Shoulda Been My Name

Mister Cellophane

'Cause You Can Look Right Through Me

Walk Right By Me

And Never Know I'm There...

Suppose You Was A Little Cat

Residin' In A Person's Flat

Who Fed You Fish And Scratched Your Ears?

You'd Notice Him

Suppose You Was A Woman, Wed

And Sleepin' In A Double Bed

Beside One Man, For Seven Years

You'd Notice Him

A Human Being's Made Of More Than Air

With All That Bulk, You're Bound To See Him There

Unless That Human Bein' Next To You

Is Unimpressive, Undistinguished

You Know Who...


Mister Cellophane

Shoulda Been My Name

Mister Cellophane

'Cause You Can Look Right Through Me

Walk Right By Me

And Never Know I'm There...

I Tell Ya


Mister Cellophane

Shoulda Been My Name

Mister Cellophane

'Cause You Can Look Right Through Me

Walk Right By Me

And Never Know I'm There

Never Even Know I'm There.

Hope I Didn't Take Up Too Much Of Your Time.

As Kurt finished he received lots of applause.

"Welcome to the New Directions, Kurt!" The teacher exclaimed.

Since there were no other auditions, the teacher (Who they called Mr. Schue) dismissed Glee Club. Everyone broke off into their separate groups, until Kurt was walking alone. He was about to open the front doors to leave the school when.....

"KURT!" Blaine was running up to him. Kurt stopped and turned to face him. "Kurt, sorry for yelling, I just wanted to congratulate you on getting into Glee Club. You have an amazing voice and your audition was totally awesome."

"Thank you." Kurt said and turned to leave but stopped as soon as Blaine started talking again.

"Also, call me maybe?" Blaine asked sheepishly and pulled out a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Will do." Kurt said, smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow." With that he walked outside to his car. Blaine seemed very nice, and Kurt hopped that they would become great friends someday. 

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