Chapter 4

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Kurt was staring at his phone. He was debating whether to text Blaine yet. He didn want to seem too desperate for friends, but if he waited too long, would it seem like he was distant or didn't care at all? While contemplating this, Finn looked over to his step-brother. Finn thought Kurt was having a staring contest with his phone so he said....

¨Bro you know that your phone doesn't have eyes. So it will never blink. You're going to lose.¨

Kurt gave him a confused look. ¨What does that mean?¨

¨Oh, you aren't having a staring contest with your phone.¨ Finn felt a little stupid after that. He decided to change the subject. ¨So, how did your audition go?¨

¨Good. Not to pull a Rachel Berry but have you thought about joining? Your friend Noah is in it.¨ Kurt knew that the chances of Finn auditioning were slim, he didn't sing often. Still, since they had moved to Lima, Kurt felt like they never saw each other anymore. With the exception of to and from school, and dinner they were apart most of the time.

¨Um, maybe. I'll think about it.¨ Finn wasn't very confident in his singing but if Kurt wanted him to join, he would at least try Glee Club. Finn also thought that Rachel Berry was hot. So seeing her in Glee Club wouldn't be too bad. Yeah. Finn thought. I'll join Glee Club. Why not? ¨You know what, I will try out.¨

¨Great!¨ Kurt couldn't help but smile as they pulled into the Hummel-Hudson's driveway.

After exiting the car Kurt ran up to his room and opened his phone typed in 354922384 and went to his messages and started typing:

Hey Blaine! This is Kurt by the way.

And send.

¨Dude! Can you please start dinner! I'm starving.¨ Finn ran into the room.

¨Okay. I'll be down in a second.¨ Kurt said. He turned to leave but stopped after hearing his phone go off. He checked the notifications and saw a text message appeared on the screen.

Hi Kurt! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! It was from Blaine. Kurt smiled down at his phone before running downstairs to start dinner.


As you can probably tell, I have some writers block. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them!

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