Chapter 7

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"I'm pretty sure it DID taste like pink, Kurt. At least, I was pretty sure it did last night." Rachel said walking with Kurt down the halls of McKinley. "But other than that, I didn't do anything embarrassing, right?¨

Kurt thought back to when Finn was dragging Rachel out the door as she sang My Headband. ¨I can't think of anything, no. You're good.¨ Kurt said, trying to hide a smile. They got to Mr. Schue's Spanish room.

¨Well thanks for being honest Kurt. You're the best!¨ She said, kissed him on the cheek then walked inside the classroom. She's going to be upset when she finds out Finn filmed My Headband. He started to walk to French when a voice stopped him.

¨Hey lady! Nice cape. Who are you supposed to be Captain Homo?" They shoved Kurt up against the lockers and kicked his head. ¨Hey gay kid, what's it like sleeping with guys?¨

¨Oh you don't remember?¨


Kurt felt himself start to lose consciousness when he heard a voice at the end of the hallway.

¨Hey, sad sacks! Let go of Lady Hummel befores I endz you!¨ Santana. This shocked Kurt, because the nicest thing she did to Kurt since the time he got here was say that his hair didn't look that much like a rat's nest. ¨I will go all Lima Heights if you don't leave right now!¨

¨I think we can take a girl.¨ Azimio scoffed.

¨Back off dude! Seriously!¨ Puck? Santana Lopez and Noah Puckerman were the last people Kurt thought would be standing up for him.

¨So a few queers then. What are you gonna do? Glitter us to death? Hang us with rainbow flags?¨ Karofsky jokes.

¨We could. Or we could show this video of you harassing a student for his flaming homosexuality to Figgins and get you both expelled.¨ Santana held up her phone. Azimio and Karofsky (is that how you spell it?) stormed off.

¨You didn't need to do that. Really.¨ Kurt gathered his things then faced Puck and Santana.

¨No dude. We did, you're in Glee club now. You're like family. And you seem pretty cool.¨ Puck slung his arm around Kurt's shoulder.

¨I ship it.¨ Santana jokes.

¨Shut up Satan. So which class you headed to?¨ Puck said. He grabbed the top notebook off Kurt's stack. ¨French? Cool. I think I'm supposed to be there too? I'm skipping class this period. Well, we'll walk with you. C'mon Snixx.¨


So not really any Klaine yet. Sorry! I'm trying to build a lot of friendships first. But if you have any ideas, PLEASE TELL ME! Don't be afraid to comment!

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