Chapter 1- As Kids

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Small intro chapter

Dupain-Cheng Bakery

Emilie: Adrien!.....Adrien!! Don't make me come up there!!
Adrien: Coming mommy!!!
Marinette: Noo don't leave me!!
A: It's okay princess Marinette! I'll come back to see you soon!
M: Okay prince Adrien :)
Marinette and Adrien were both 5 years old. They loved to play pretend. Today, Marinette got to choose, and she chose to play royalty. When Adrien gets to choose, he likes to play as swordsman warriors.
*kids run down the stairs into the bakery and see Emilie and Sabine talking*

Emilie and Sabine are best friends. They went to high school and college together. They were even each other's bridesmaids and were at each other's bedsides when they were giving birth to their babies. The two were inseparable, just like their children would be.

Emilie: Ready to go?
A: Yes mama!
Sabine: Here! Take some croissants from the road, enjoy your trip!
Emilie: Thanks Sabine, we'll see you soon! Tell Tom we say hello!
A: Bye bye Princess Marinette!

The Agreste family was going on a little road trip to the beach before the kids started kindergarten

M: Bye bye!!! *she yelled (waving) crying from the bakery entrance*
Sabine: It's okay honey, he'll be back in a week! Sooner than the blink of an eye!

Skip to 4th grade

A: Hi Marinette I like your dress!
M: Thanks! My mama helped me make it!
A: Cool! Is she gonna help you make your wedding dress?
M: M-my what???
A: Ya! Your wedding dress! For when you and I get married!
M: Ha Ha very funny Adrien. In your dreams!
A: Hmm let's make a deal, if I grow taller than you, we gotta get married. Okay?
M: Okay..but let's see if that even happens SHORTIE haha.

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