Chapter 2- Middle School

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Time skip to middle school
A: OUCH! *gets shoved to the floor*
Jake (bully): Stay on the ground you little wimp! *kick's Adrien in the stomach*
M: HEY! *she grabs Jake's shoulder and turns him to face her*
J: And what do you want UGLY??
M: *punches Jake in the face* GET LOST and leave us alone!
J: OW *falls to the ground with a bloody nose..gets up and runs away crying*
M: *reaches hand down to Adrien and helps him up* Adrien you have to stand up for yourself! I'm not always gonna be here for you. Come on let's get you to the nurse.
A: Thanks Marinette..*holding his bruised stomach*

There was an awkward silence as they walked to the nurse.

A: Y-you know're not ugly..I don't know why he said that. *he blushes*
M: Eh whatever you think.
A: No I'm serious Mari you're really pretty!! *yells*
M: Thanks Adrien *blushes* but forget about that we need to get you checked out and see if you're okay.

After school

Adrien walked Marinette home like he always did, Marinette gave him a macaroon because she felt bad he got beat up today.

A: Thanks! I better get going before my parents start to worry. Bye!! *kisses her cheek and runs out of the bakery*
M: B-bye? *blushes & in shock*

Adrien has always liked Mari but she never took him seriously, she just thought he was really flirty with her

Next day at school

M: Finally!! Last day of school! Isn't that great Adrien?! *lightly punches his arm*
A: Um ya. It's great..can I come over to your house after school I have something to tell you.

Mari was weirded out by his strange attitude

M: Ya sure..I guess??

After school in Mari's room
*playing video games*
A: *pauses game* Mari, we need to talk.
M: Woah what's up with this strange attitude you've been having all day??
A: It's just dad got a job offer in Italy.
M: That's awesome!!
A: NO! It's NOT awesome, he already accepted the job! And we're moving there in 2 weeks.
M: Ha Ha Adrien very funny..
A: Mari I'm serious, *his eyes started watering*
M: can visit you right??? *trying to stay positive*
A: I mean ya but, it's not going to be the same. And I don't know when we are moving could be for 1 year, 2, 3, 4, 5, SIX?? UGH IDK. No one knows.
M: Hey it's okay! We can call, text, and video chat every day if you want! It will be okay! I promise.
A: *smiles* okay, I'm just scared, I can't even stand up for myself in middle school, how am I supposed to survive in high Italy..without you???
M: Hey, *holds his face* you just have to be strong. You can't let people push you around.....literally.
A: *he giggles* okay Mari, if you say so.
They go in for a long hug as they both shed a couple tears.
M: We gotta hang out every day for the next 2 weeks until you leave okay??
A: Okay! What do you wanna do tomorrow?
M: Weeeellllll..there's a new water park that just opened up on Tuesday..wanna go???
A: YES!!! Sounds like a plan

3 days Later

A: Hey, Avatar the last Airbender live action comes out TONIGHT!!! Wanna go???
M: Hell ya!! I'm so excited omg ahahaha
*During movie*
*Adrien's arm around Marinette*
Marinette didn't mind it, he always did that anyway

M: Um..this movie..kinda sucks..
A: Ya tell me about it..
The two bursted out laughing super loud and got SSSHHHushed by the other people
*after movie*
A: That really sucked HA
M: I know! What a disgrace to the og show. *rolls eyes*

The two started laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt and couldn't breathe.
For a second everything felt great..the moment was perfect..they were both laughing and having fun..Adrien caught a glimps at her bluebell eyes shining in the moonlight. He leaned in for a kiss as she was still laughing and she pushed him away.
M: hahaha nice try Adrien, in your dreams
A: ha..ya.. in my dreams..

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