Chapter 9- W-what Happened?

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Next morning

A: ooomfg my head hurts..I f-feel dizzy...why does my head hurt...ugh my stomach..I wanna puke..
*got up and ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet*
B: *follows Adrien to the bathroom* I think you kinda deserve feeing sick.
A: What?? What are you talking about? Why?
B: Do you not remember?? You were being a complete a$$hole
*lightly smacks back of Adrien's head*
A: WTF dude what was that for?? Idk what you're talking about!

B: Well you ran off last night without telling us! And when I found you, you were making out with some red head chick. Your hand was up her skirt too.

A: *gags* Shut up Bruno you're lying...
B: Have I ever lied to you?? What are you gonna do if Marinette finds out about this?
A: She's never gonna find out! You better keep your mouth shut.
B: You're so stupid Adrien...Really... I already told you this last night, but you're a little pu$$y! think she doesn't like you but you haven't even tried asking her how she feels, you just slowly started cutting her out of your life!

(Bruno knew that Marinette had feelings for Adrien, she just wanted to talk to him about it..If Marinette found out about this it would break her heart)

A: Thats not true..
B: Yes it is...
A: don't know what it feels like, you know someone all your life and love them with all your heart, and they act like all those years of getting to know each other means hurts, I can't keep living like this.

B: *squats down to Adrien hunched over the toilet* have to try...And you should start by apologizing to Marinette.
A: What do I need to apologize to her for?
B: Well I'm pretty sure she called you last night and I'm also pretty sure you called her a Crazy B!tch...but I'm not 100% sure it was pretty loud in there.
A: WHAT??? I called her that????????
*pukes again*
B: I wonder what she wanted to talk to you about? You should give her a call back to find out...
A: Okay, I will.

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