Chapter 15- Université de Paris

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Time skip to move in day for Université de Paris

Adrien's POV

I feel so sick today... Bruno convinced his parents to let him come to school in Paris with me.. My parents are staying in Italy for a couple weeks to finish packing up all of our stuff.
Bruno and I are flying out to Paris to start moving into our dorms.
When we finally arrive in Paris, I take a deep breath in, home sweet home.
We take a taxi to our new university, get our room key from the main office, and head to our dorm on the First floor.
We start unpacking almost immediately until we get hungry for dinner.
We walked all over campus until we finally agreed on something to eat, burritos...And Yes, burritos for dinner...
After we ate dinner we started heading back to our room and settled in for the night.

Marinette's POV

Alya, Nino, Joseph and I, are all lucky enough to be placed in the same dorm building! Joseph and Nino are roommates, and Alya and I got a room together also!
Nino and Jo helped me and Alya move into our room first, then later, after a lunch break, Alya and I helped the boys move in to their room.
After we all ate dinner together, we parted ways as we left the boys on the first floor. Then Alya and I took the elevator up to the third.

3 Days after move in day
Adrien's POV

It's three days after move-in day, and classes are officially starting today.. My first class is at 8:15 am. I wanted all morning classes so that I could have the rest of the day to do homework and relax.
I finished getting ready and walked for about three minutes past the mathematics buildings and into the art building. My first class was art of course, I wasn't very good at it, but it always interested me, so I decided to give it a shot.

I arrived at 8:17, and everyone was already there and everyone had already chosen their seats. There was only one seat left in the back.
The first day was basically just going over the class syllabus, and how fun this semester will be..

Just before the teacher announced that class was over, I looked to the front of the room and see a familiar bluenette shade of silky hair..
"Marinette" I think to myself
My hands begin sweating and my stomach starts to hurt. Why was I so nervous?? Oh ya..we're not really talking rn...
As soon as class was over I ran back to my room as fast as I could to tell Bruno about who I saw.

A: Bruno wake up!!
B: Ugh what do you's 9:45...can this wait another hour?
A: No...Marinette is in my art class!!!
B: *sits up quickly* What??
B: That's awesome!!
A: No dude it's not, I'm sure when she finds out I'm
in her class she's gonna throat punch me.
B: Well you did cut her off without giving her an
explanation. It may be well deserved.
A: Ha Ha very funny...I have this class again on Wednesday.
B: Just be yourself, remember that you guys used to be best friends, and you loved her at a point in time
A: I still do..but..idk..she's probably dating that dude......
B: Then make your presence known, and let her know how you smooth or something idk ahaha
A: okay...

-Still Adrien's POV-
I walked into class and I was kinda nervous, today we were going to start talking about the history of art..I looked to the front of the class where I saw my beautiful princess. Her hair was in two braids and she was wearing red(ish) shorts and a white shirt.
She looked so cute...

Ugh focus Adrien! You need to focus..what are you gonna say to her???

Class was now over and I waited outside for her..

Okay..just breathe..everything is gonna be okay...Be smooth, like Bruno said..

I see her walk out of the classroom and walk over to her longboard.
Uuugh I can't do this!!! Wait yes I can, she's my best friend..
I run up behind her and say "H-hey p-princess"
Really smooth-I thought......

Marinette's POV

My second day of art class was great. We started learning about the history of art. We started with drawings that were found in caves from cave men.
Class was over and I was starving, I really wanted to go get breakfast. I walked out of the classroom and went to grab my longboard when I heard a really quiet and weak' "H-hey p-princess"
This voice is familiar, but deeper??
I turn around and see...Adrien

A: H-hey p-princess           (sorry for repeating it)
M: Adrien??
A: Ya. Ahaha that's me!
M: What are you doing here??
A: Well, I finally moved back here!
M: When?? You didn't tell me!
A: Oh I'm sorry, I guess I was scared to talk to you.
M: Scared to talk to me??
A: N-no that's not what I meant, I was just nervous.
M: Okay..well what are you doing here
A: I'm in your class..your art class..with you..together..
M: Did you just join? I didn't see you on Monday.
A: No I ran out before you could see me ahaha
M: Oh, so you were trying to avoid me.
A: Yes..I mean NO!! I was just nervous!!
M: Why? We've been friends since we were kids.
A: (Okay Adrien here's your chance to be smooth) Speaking of being kids. Remember that deal we made?
M: What deal?
A: See me now? *stands up straight and compares their heights with his hand*
M: *blushes and looks away* U-m look Adrien..
A: I know, I'm sorry I hurt you. Honestly I deserve to get beat up by you.
M: *looks back at Adrien* Maybe I should beat you up haha
A: Ya.. (Ugh I'm so embarrassed I wanna smack myself)
M: Well I'm hungry, I'm gonna go meet my friends for breakfast.
A: Friends?? *holds breath* "Is it that boy?" (he thought)
M: Yes my friend Alya,
*Adrien exhales with relief*
M: And her boyfriend Nino and our other friend Joseph.. Well I gotta get going, maybe you can come with next time?
A: Ya..maybe
M: Okay see you around

-Adrien's thoughts-
Wow..that went really well, better than I expected..
*He slaps his forehead* UGH I'm so stupid!! Why did I bring up that deal we made??
She probably thinks I'm so stupid!! What was I thinking???
I get back to my room and see Bruno.
A: Hey Bruno.
B: Hey
A: I talked to Marinette
B: Really?? How'd it go??
A: I'm not sure..I couldn't tell if she was mad or not..
B: Well, at least you guys talked. That's one step in the right direction.
A: Ya, she invited me to go eat with her and her friends "some other time"
*He blushes when he remembers that*
*he crashes on his bed and buries his head in his pillow to cover his blushing face*
B: Bro hahaha you've got it bad..
A: Whatever man..

With Mari
At breakfast with friends

M: Guys you will not believe who I just saw...
A: Omg who?? Tell us!!
N: Ya tell us!
M: I saw..Adrien
M: Yup! He tried apologizing..Idk if I forgive him, but I kinda invited him to eat with us some other time.
J: Uh guys? Who's Adrien?
~no one wanted to say anything~
~they knew Jo liked Mari~
M: O-oh aha...*scratches back of neck* Well, Adrien and I go waaay back..
J: Really? How far back?
M: Well, our moms were best friends since high school..aaand were at each other's weddings..aaand each other's "birthing rooms"
J: Oh wow, so you've known this guy your whole life huh?
M: Yup...
J: What did he apologize for?
M: Well, idk, he kinda just stopped talking to me. And without explanation too..and that kinda hurt my feelings.
J: Ya I can imagine.
A: When are you gonna see him again??
M: Well we have art class on Mondays And Wednesdays. Sooo, probably then.
N: That's rough buddy, you gotta see him pretty much every other day.
M: Enough about me.. Lets eat I'm starving!!

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