Chapter 8- Difficult Night

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Skip to Senior Year of high school-both are now 18

After they saw each other for Christmas break, Adrien and Marinette became close again and would talk every day. When they both had free time they would video chat together and spend hours upon hours just laughing and talking together, with an occasional deep conversation when they were feeling down.

Marinette made a new friend named Alya, the two girls would hang out almost every day after school. They had become best friends.

Adrien also made some new friends, one named Bruno and one named Lorenzo. Bruno was the more practical one of the two, and Lorenzo was a troublemaking airhead.

Ever since Adrien and Marinette made new friends, they no longer had as much time to talk to each other over video chats.

Lorenzo was always encouraging Adrien to stop being so hung up on Marinette, and to start focusing on what's important, "getting laid" since he was finally 18. Bruno however, always wanted Adrien to follow his heart.
Adrien and Bruno flew to Paris together for Marinette's birthday to surprise her. So, Bruno and Mari knew each other. They also exchanged phone numbers.
(Bruno was rooting for Marinette)

Meanwhile, Alya was always encouraging Marinette to express her feelings and try to figure out which way she loves him..just a friend..or more? Marinette wanted to talk to Adrien and try to figure out what it was, but she knew that their relationship was fading like a cloud since they no longer talked as much.

With Adrien

Bruno(Adrien's friend): Hey Adrien we should go to the club tonight!! Its Friday night!
Adrien: uum idk man, I'm not a big fan of partying...and drinking.
Lorenzo(other friend): Come on dude! You never come with us! Just today. You don't even have to drink.
A: Okay..fine
Bruno&Lorenzo: YAYYY FINALLY!!!

With Marinette

Alya(new friend): Hey girl! Do you wanna come over tonight? We can order some pizza? Maybe it'll make you feel better?
M: I don't know, I kinda just wanna go home and sleep.
Alya: Are you sure girl?
M: Ya I'm sure.
Alya: Okay then..I'll see you Monday, I hope you feel better!

(Marinette was having a rough week, she failed a math test because she forgot to study, her new designs got rejected by multiple companies, she got fired from her job as a pizza delivery girl because she almost drove her delivery bike into a car and that resulted in dropping all the pizzas on the ground, AND Adrien just stopped talking to her all of a sudden and she didn't know why)

Marinette walked home from school in the cold rain as dark clouds filled the Paris sky. When she got home she saw that there was no one home, she checked her phone and saw a text from her dad saying,

•Your mother and I have to help with the dessert table at a black tie event, we don't know how long this will take but hopefully we will be home by 3am•

"Ugh great" she thought "whatever..maybe a night alone will be good for me..."

With Adrien

Lorenzo: Hey Adrien you ready man??
A: ya I think so
Bruno: Sweeeeet lets get going

-At the club-

B: Duuude there's so many cute chicks here
L: For real! Right?? *elbows Adrien's arm*
A: I-I don't know man
L: Ugh don't be such a buzzkill, forget about Marinette! I know you're like crazy obsessed with her but you guys aren't even dating. Plus she doesn't even consider you an option!! And even if you were dating she wouldn't have to know.
B: Shut up Lorenzo!! Leave the man alone.. Cmon Adrien lets get some drinks

*walk over to bar*

L: *to bartender* let's start off with 3 shots
Bartender: Comin right up

*all three take shot*

With Marinette

Ugh I can't sleep.....Maybe Adrien is still awake, I could try giving him a call..
Ugh no! What am I thinking??? We haven't talked much recently...
Whatever I'm gonna call anyways
*riiing* *riiing* *riiing*
A: Helloooooooooooo?????
M: Hey Adrien! How are you?? I didn't think you'd answer
A: Uum who is this??
M: What??? I can't hear that music in the background??
A: WOOO Lorenzoooooooooo
M: Who's Lorenzo?? A-are you drunk?
A: W-whaaattt?? Meee?? Drunk?? B!+ch you crazy!!!!! AHAHahaa
M: Uugh Fu<k!ng forget it A$$h0L€

*hangs up on Adrien and throws phone across the room*

What the hell is wrong with him?? I haven't talked to him in forever and the first thing he does is call me a B!tch..?!!?

*Mari begins to cry, and cries herself to sleep*

With Adrien

B: Who were you on the phone with??
A: *with drink in hand* Haha idfk dude
B: ugh you're such a lightweight..Where's Lorenzo??
A: IDK??? Oh wait, he's on the dance floor..some blonde chick is grinding on him.
B: whatever I'm gonna go get another drink

*While Bruno goes to get another drink, a redhead sitting alone calls Adrien over to her table*

A: Hey little lady, what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?
Gina(redhead): Nothing much, all my friends are dancing and I don't feel like doing the same.

*Gina and Adrien were both drunk*

Gina and Adrien shared a couple drinks together until she stood up and grabbed his hand. She took him out back to a dark alleyway.

She started kissing his neck and unbuttoning his black shirt while running her hands through his silky sweaty hair.

Adrien picked her up and sat her on a brick ledge. His hand slowly creeps up her miniskirt as they make out..

Bruno's POV
Where the hell is Adrien??? I walk over to Lorenzo who is now shirtless on the dance floor and yell at him.
B: Ugh let's go. *grabs Lorenzo's arm* let's go look for Adrien.
Lorenzo and I walk outside of the bar and there is no sight of Adrien. Fu(k where is this kid???
We look for him everywhere until we hear a girl giggling...??
I look into the dark alleyway where the giggles were coming from and see Adrien making out with some red head chick..

B: ADRIEN *walks up to Adrien and pulls on the collar of his shirt* WHAT THW FU(K IS WRONG WITH YOU???
L: Leave him alone Bruno! Let the man enjoy the night!
A: aha wooooah Bruno chill..we're just kissing hahahahahahahaha *clearly drunk af*
B: Making out?? One of your hands is on her thigh and the other is on her neck.. you're sick Adrien. What about MARINETTE???

When Bruno said "Marinette" Adrien froze and slowly started backing away from Gina. "M-mari?" he thought to himself. That name, it made his heart ache, like someone was poking it with thousands of needles.

A: Who cares about Marinette?!?! She has never loved me and never will!!! DON'T EVER MENTION HER TO ME AGAIN

At this point Adrien was crying and ran up to Bruno about to punch him. But Bruno blocked the punch and yelled...
B: YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! And you won't know that until you ask her! But you're too much of a little PU$$¥ to even ask her!

Bruno pushed Adrien away from him, and because Adrien was drunk, he quickly lost balance and fell back on his butt.
He grabbed Adrien's arm saying "Get up. I'm taking you home"
Bruno called Gina a taxi and apologized to her for the trouble. Lorenzo called his own taxi because he was mad at Bruno for "ruining the night"

When they arrived at Adrien's house, Bruno carried him upstairs and dropped him on his bed. He decided to spend the night with Adrien. He knew Adrien would have a million questions for him the next morning.

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