Chapter 18- In the Bakery

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Short chapter
-Lots of Dialogue-

During Christmas break

Marinette was at the front desk in the bakery when the door opened and the bell jingled.

"Welcome to the—"

M: Adrien? What are you doing here?
A: Well..I wanted to come see you.
M: you want some croissants?
A: No Mari I wanna talk to you.
M: How about Macaroons? Your mom loves them.
A: Mari-
M: Or cookies??
*she was trying to avoid talking*
A: Mari listen to me please! I want to talk to you. Why have you been avoiding me?
M: I haven't.
~jingle-the door~
M: Hey!
*in walks Joseph*
J: Hey Mari, who's this?
M: Oh this is Adrien!
J: Nice to meet you Adrien, she talks about you quite a bit.
M: Ha not true..
A: Oh nice to meet you Joseph.
M: Here you go Jo, I have your order ready!
J: Thanks Mari, maybe I'll pick you up at 7?
M: Sounds good!
J: Nice meeting you Adrien!
A: Ya ya you too.....

A: Where are you guys going later?
M: Just to eat dinner..Why'd you give him so much attitude?? And a dirty look?
A: Don't go with him Marinette please. *avoiding question*
M: Why not???

*Adrien couldn't speak..he was frozen and choked up*

M: Adrien...I'm going with Joseph to dinner tonight..
A: ...
M: Unless you tell me why I shouldn't go.
A: Just don't go!
M: Why?? You're not giving me a reason!
A: Because Marinette. I can tell he likes you!
M: So? What's wrong with that?? Can't the guy have feelings?
A: Yes, but-
M: But what??
A: But I do too!!!
M: Adrien.....
A: Marinette just hear me out please.. I think you should give me a chance.
M: Why would I do that? What about that redhead you walked out with at the Christmas dance??
A: Oh, you saw that?
M: You guys sucking face on the dance floor?? Ya I saw that..
A: Marinette, I wasn't even interested in her. She took me outside and..and we were getting into it.
M: EW Adrien why the hell are you saying this??
A: Because Mari.. she wanted more but, I just couldn't. I kept thinking of someone else.
You were in my mind the whole time.
M: That's kinda gross
A: No Mari, I was thinking of how I can't see myself with anyone else...just you.
M: W-what? *blushes*
A: *leans in close to her*
M: Adrien idk..I- *looks down*
A: Marinette, *cups her face to look up at him*
I know you better than anyone.
I know your favorite kind of tea is jasmine, with a spoonful of sugar and a splash of lemon
You like walking in the rain, especially when it's dark.
You sleep with a blanket even if it's hot, and you always hug a pillow when you sleep.
You love chocolate covered strawberries, and almonds.
You secretly love to draw clothes for fashion shows, you've never showed anyone, not even your parents, just me.
Mari the list goes on and on,
But I also know, that you feel something for me..
You've always hid your feelings, even from me, and I've known you forever.
M: Adrien...
A: Do you think Joseph knows all this about you? All that I've learned about you, over the past 19 years of our lives?
M: I-I don't know
A: Just think about it Mari.
*kisses her cheek and walks out of the bakery into the snow*

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