Chapter 10- The Apology

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Marinette's POV
I woke up this morning with a severe headache and puffy eyes. I remembered why.. I can't believe he would say such nasty things to me. I didn't even know that he was capable of that. It really hurt, he was my best friend..and..crush?
Wtf.. a phone call from Adrien?? I send it straight to voicemail.
He calls me a total of 5 times and I sent it to voicemail every time. I didn't want to talk to him. At least not yet. I was having a bad day and I hadn't talked to him in a while, I thought calling him would make me feel better..but obviously he didn't care, it made it worse.

With Adrien
A: She's not answering!
B: Call her again!
A: I already called her 5 times!!! She clearly doesn't want anything to do with me!
*throws phone across the room*
B: If I was her, I wouldn't wanna talk to you either tbh.
A: Thaaankksss.. that made me feel sooo much better...
B: Sorry but you have to think of how Marinette is feeling. Her childhood best friend is constantly shutting her out, and when she finally gives you a call you cuss her out.
A: You're right..I'm just gonna text her so she at least knows what I want to tell her.

With Marinette
After declining all of his calls, I look at my phone and see a text from him.. ugh *rolls eyes* what the h€LL does he want???

•••Hey Mari. I have no excuse for what happened last night, I am extremely sorry. I understand you don't want to talk to me right now and I completely respect that. I just want you to know that I miss you and I meant no disrespect•••

HA what bull$h!t...he thinks I'm gonna fall for that?!!?

*buzz* *buzz*        A text from Bruno???

•••Hi Marinette! Are you doing okay? Don't worry I won't tell Adrien. He needs to fix things himself, I just want to check up on you•••

Oh, how sweet of him.. I should answer..

M• Hey Bruno. Ya I'm fine..I just-i just never thought he would ever say such nasty things to me.
B• I'm sorry Marinette, it's my fault, Lorenzo and I invited him to go to the club with us.
M• No no no don't's not your fault he got drunk and was rude.
B• I guess you're right..if it makes you feel better, Adrien has been throwing up all morning
M•Haha thanks for telling me that Bruno.
B• No problem Marinette.

3 days later

Marinette's POV
I feel better now, I think I'm ready to talk to Adrien..I slowly pick up my phone, my stomach starts to hurt And my hands shake because I'm nervous.
I open my messages, and see Adrien's apology from a couple days ago.
What should I say??? I start typing, but then I erase everything...I'll just say Hey..and nothing else...

Adrien's POV
*buzz* *buzz*
MARINETTE!!!! I got so excited when I saw her name pop up on my screen, then I remembered what had happened. She only texted me "Hey" I didn't wanna waste any time so I immediately start apologizing.
A• Mari I'm so so so extremely sorry. I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on. If I knew it was you calling me I wouldn't have said something like that. I'm so sorry please let me make it up to you.
M• Kinda sounds like an excuse.. We used to talk on the phone every day, how could you not know it was me.?
A• I don't know Mari I'm sorry, the music was so loud and I was drunk, I don't even remember what happened that night, I had to ask Bruno to tell me everything.
M• Idk Adrien, it seemed like you meant it.
-there was a pause as Adrien kept typing then erasing-
A• I'm sorry...
M• omg you don't even deny that you meant really did mean it!
A• No Mari! I never meant to say that to you! I love you and you know that.
M• If you truly loved me you wouldn't have said such awful things.
A• Marinette I'm confused! I want to be more than just friends. I've always wanted more! And you've never returned the feelings, I don't know what to do anymore I can't just sit here and patiently wait for you when that's never gonna happen!
M• Are you blaming YOUR actions because of MY indecision??
A• No!! I'm not!
M• We haven't talked in forever! YOU'RE the one cutting ME off. I've tried to reach out to you but nope! I get nothing in return. I was having such a rough week and when I finally get the guts to call you, you just call me a Crazy B!tch
A• Marinette I'm sorry!! Drunk or not, I shouldn't have said that to you!
M• You know what forget it, this conversation is going nowhere, let's just stop talking before we say things we'll regret later.
A• No Mari please let's solve this
M• What do you want me to do?? Just act like this ever happened? I understand you got drunk and "didn't know" that it was me..But if you're just gonna stop talking to me, an explanation would've been nice...
A• I know Mari I'm sorry, I'm gonna make it up to you...

-Marinette was upset and decided not to answer him anymore..Adrien waited a couple of minutes for her to answer but it was clear she didn't want to talk anymore, so he respected her boundaries

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