Chapter 14- About last night...

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The next morning

Alya woke Marinette up and the two walked downstairs to see Nino making breakfast for everyone.
A: Mm smells yummy!!
N: Yup! Good morning Dudettes! How's your lip Mari?
M: It feels a bit better, thanks to Jo..
N: Isn't it "thanks to Jo" how it got there in the first place? Hahaha jk I'm glad you're doing alright though.
A: Speaking of Jo, where is he??
N: He should be coming down in a bit.
J: Hey guys!
A: Hey sleepyhead..wake up late??
J: Ya haha sorry I couldn't sleep last night.
N: Damn really dude? Why not?
J: *looks at Mari* Ooh it's nothing... maybe I was still riled up from yesterday aha...

Marinette turned away from him and tried to forget about what happened between her and Joseph last night. But she couldn't stop thinking about his soft lips, and soft hand on her thigh.
She felt chills down her spine and then shook the thought away.

After breakfast

A: Woohoo??? Earth to Marinette???
M: Huh??
A: Girl what happened last night? You and Jo are acting super weird today.. You guys are like, ignoring each other.
M: Ssh!!! *pulls her into a room* You can't talk about this, but when he was cleaning up my lip last night...we kissed..
M: SH!!! Promise you won't talk about it??? *holds out pinky*
A: Yes girl I promise..but first tell me..was he a good kisser??
M: Yes, he was so gentle, even though my lip was cut, it didn't hurt at all..

Marinette's eyes started to water

A: Why are you crying??
M: I miss Adrien...I love him! I want to tell him but I think he hates me!
A: Girl I don't think he hates you. I just think you both need to suck it up and talk..But you better do it fast because he might move on..AND you already have Jo, who seems to really like you.
M: I guess you're right, I just need to wait for the right time..

Later that day, all of them were getting ready to go out to dinner, when Joseph pulled Mari aside.

M: W-what are you doing??
J: Marinette, About last night...
M: I'm sorry about that..
J: N-no, I wanted to apologize. I should've never done that, I'm sorry if I went too far.
M: Hey, it's okay.
J: Are you sure?
M: Yes, I just have a lot going on in my mind right now.
J: Do you wanna walk about it?
M: Maybe some other time.
J: Oh, okay.
M: *kisses his cheek* I don't regret it though.

Mari walks out of the room they were talking in and Joseph blushes and holds his cheek where Marinette kissed him.

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