Chapter 16- Familiar Redhead

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As the weeks went by, Adrien and Marinette started sitting by each other in art class.
He still hasn't accepted Marinette's invite to go eat breakfast with her friends. He's scared to face Joseph. He wasn't afraid OF him, he was just scared to see what Marinette sees in Jo and not him.
He preferred to just enjoy his time with Marinette and Marinette only.

In art class today, they were supposed to paint the Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, but with the color scheme of their choice.
Marinette chose red, and Adrien chose green.
As they were painting, Adrien looked at Marinette's red painting. It reminded him of the red bracelet she gave him..and the green one she made for herself. He looked at her wrist and saw the small green bracelet, along with a few other beaded ones.
Then he looked down at his own wrist...he wasn't wearing his.
He took his off one night when he was upset about Joseph..but he still had it, it was back in his dorm room.
Since she was still wearing hers, that means she still cares about me right? (Adrien thought)

Later in class Adrien sneezed into his elbow with a paintbrush in his hand. And when he sneezed he shook the paintbrush and splashed green paint all over Marinette.
M: Oooh I'm so gonna get you back for this
She splashed Adrien with her red paint.
The two then started squirting paint at each other and laughing. They were finally having fun again, just like old times.
Teacher: ADRIEN AND MARINETTE! Stay after class!
A: Uh ooohhh *looks at Marinette*
Both of them giggle..
After class they sat at their teachers desk.
Teacher: Look kids, I understand you want to have fun. I don't mind if you're laughing and being loud, just try to not involve my art supplies. Okay?
M&A: Yes Sir!

The two walk outside of the classroom laughing. They pointed at each other, their clothes and faces were covered in paint.
Adrien interrupted their laughter.
A: Marinette?
M: Ya?
A: You're still wearing your bracelet huh..
M: Of course! I've never taken it off, although I might have to today to wash it since it has paint haha..
A: Oh..*he smiles a bit*
M: Where's yours?
A: Oh, well..I took mine off because, I just assumed you hated me.
M: Adrien I don't hate you! We've been best friends forever I could never hate you.
A: You're right!
M: You didn't throw it away did you?
A: Nonono it's actually in my room..I promise I'll put it back on!
M: Okay then, I'll see you on Wednesday!
A: See ya!

Adrien rushed back to his room to look for the bracelet. There it was on his desk. He smiled and put it back on his wrist.

The next day, Adrien had math. Math never really came easy to him. Today the teacher let everyone partner up and take a quiz together. Everyone had chosen their partners, but Adrien was left out. He looked around the room to see if anyone else was missing a partner, when he sees a redhead girl sitting alone. He walks over to her and asks,
"Would you wanna be partners?"
Sure! The girl says. They sit next to each other.

A: Hey, I'm Adrien, what's your name?
G: My name is look very familiar.
A: I do?
G: Ya I feel like we've met before..OH YA!! You're that guy from the club!
A: I'm sorry Gina but I don't remember you.
G: Oh so you must not remember what happened between us.?

*Adrien then remembered when Bruno told him, "You we're making out with some redhead chick"*

A: (Oh No) Ooh..I'm sorry I don't remember, but my friend told me everything the next morning.
G: Your friend..Bruno? Oh ya he was very nice, he called me a cab.
A: Oh, I'm sorry for that night..Why'd you decide to come to college in Paris?
G: Honestly, I just wanted to get away from home and start my own life. What about you?
A: Well I was actually born here. I had to move to Italy when my dad got a job, but we finally moved back.
G: Oh that's sweet!!
A: Ya, it's good to be home.
G: Say...wanna get lunch with me after this quiz?
A: S-sure?

Gina and Adrien walked to get lunch together. They got into deep conversation and shared some laughs.

G: I like your bracelet! Where'd you get it?
A: Oh my friend made it for me actually..*blushes*
G: Oh who's this friend of yours?
A: Her name is Marinette. She gave it to me before I moved to Italy.
G: Oh..*looks away*
A: (Is she jealous?) Ya, we actually have art together.
G: Wow. I'd looove to meet her -sarcastically-
A: Haha that was so sarcastic
G: No..what are you talking about.
A: Nvm then..

After a couple months of school, Gina started to develop feelings for Adrien.. And Adrien, the same?
He wasn't sure because he was still stuck on Marinette..he never seemed to be able to get her out of his mind.
Meanwhile, Marinette was also realizing that she couldn't get Adrien out of her mind. Everything she did, she wanted to share with him. She wanted to spend all her time with him. But how could she? Things still weren't the best between them.

Marinette always thought of that time she kissed Joseph in the bathroom.
And Adrien, although he doesn't really remember, always thinks of what him and Gina did outside the club.

It was complicated..

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