Chapter 5- Christmas Break

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Sabine and Tom were sleeping in the guest room, and Marinette was sleeping in Adrien's room.
There was another guest room she could sleep in but her and Adrien agreed they should sleep in the same room to catch up. Mari got to sleep in his bed while he slept on the futon next to his TV. They stayed up all night catching up and laughing.
They were reminiscing about old times when Marinette used to want to play princess while Adrien wanted to play warriors.
Gabriel had to come into the room a couple times to shut them up, but as soon as he left they'd go right back to talking. Before they knew it, they hear Emilie calling everyone downstairs for breakfast. They looked out the window and saw the sun rising.

M: $h!t did we really stay up all night???
A: hahaha I guess so! Let's go eat breakfast.

They ran downstairs to see Sabine looking out the window.
Emilie: You kids look tired! Did you get any sleep at all?
A: Nope! We stayed up all night just catching up!
Emilie: I'm glad you guys had a good night, your father and I could hear you laughing all the way across the hallway!
M: I'm sorry Mrs. Agreste.
Emilie: No!! Don't be sorry!
Sabine: Come look kids! It's snowing!

Mari and Adrien ran to the window to see blankets of snow covering the housetops of Italy.

A: Mom, can Mari and I go to the park??
Emilie: It's okay with me, make sure to ask Sabine too.
Sabine: It's all right with me just eat your breakfast first!!
They ate their breakfast as fast as they could and got dressed in warm clothes then ran out the door towards the park holding hands.
A&M were so comfortable with each other, they held hands everywhere they went. All the kids at school would accuse them of dating and Adrien would just go along with it, but Marinette would always deny.
When they got to the park, Mari walked over to a beautiful water fountain to look at the frozen water. All of a sudden..OUCH! She felt a hard, cold snowball hit her back.

M: oooh you're so gonna pay for that! *makes phat snowball* *throws at Adrien*
-The snowball hit his forehead and he fell on his butt-
M: HAHAHA!!! You deserved it!
A: I guess you're right!

They chased each other while throwing snowballs until they ran into each other and fell in the snow. Adrien landed on top of Marinette, and for a split second he thought they were having a moment...
Until she pushed his face and threw him off of her. She got up and threw snow on his face laughing.

A: (thought) she's still gorgeous :)

After messing around in the snow, they calmed down, Adrien suggest they take a selfie so they never forget this wonderful memory.
After the selfie he snuck a quick kiss on her cold cheek and she giggled.

M: Hey is there a Café around here? I could definitely go for some hot chocolate
A: Yep! Right around the corner, I'll pay, since you're my special guest here in Italy
M: Aw haha such a gentleman as always!

They got their hot chocolate and drank it outside on a bench. It was just like old times, laughing and having fun together.

A: Oh! I just thought you should know, I haven't taken this off since you put it on me... *lifts sleeve to reveal red bracelet*
M: *blushes* wow Adrien I didn't think you'd actually wear it, but.. me too *shows her green bracelet*
A: .........I really missed you Mari.......... *looks into her shiny eyes* .......I never want this moment to end. <he said

Marinette could feel her heart flutter as Adrien leaned in closer to her. They locked eyes as she felt his warm chocolaty breath on her nose. She quickly stood up interrupting the moment

M: Oookayy well we should probably go back to your house it's pretty cold out here aha. *reaches for his hand*
A: O-okay *grabs her hand*

They walk back to his house while holding hands, breathing in the cold and crisp wintery air. Marinette never wanted this moment to end either. She wishes that it would last forever. She was just to embarrassed to admit it. She had always been the tough girl in the friendship that didn't show emotions, and Adrien never hesitated to express his feelings.
They got back to the house and found everyone in different areas of the house wrapping gifts and placing them under the tall Christmas tree.
Mari and Adrien wrapped the gifts they were going to give out.

Later that night, after dinner, Marinette decided to take a shower, she thought Adrien was downstairs so she walked into the bathroom and saw the hot water running...The shower was made of glass sliding doors...but thankfully she didn't see anything. She quickly shut the door and went to bed.
Adrien walked out of the bathroom wearing pajama shorts and a towel on his shoulders. He looked over at Mari and saw that she was "asleep"..he knew she was faking.
A: Mari I know you're can use the bathroom now...
A: sorry I didn't lock the bathroom haha *scratches back of his neck* I'm all done now though.
M: *gets up and walks directly to bathroom ignoring Adrien* (thoughts—>) GAH I'm so stupid I should've heard the water running!!! *slapping her forehead*

She got out of the shower, put on PJs, dried her hair, and brushed her teeth. When she walked out of the bathroom she saw Adrien asleep on the futon next to the tv.

M: He looks so cute..(she thought) *walks over moves his hair out of his face and kisses his forehead*
She has always loved her best friend, she just wasn't sure what kind of love it was.*walks to bed and falls asleep*

Adrien wasn't actually asleep, he was just pretending so that the rest of the night wouldn't be awkward for Mari. When she kissed his forehead he could feel his face turning red. Good thing the lights are off so she wouldn't see his tomato face haha

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