Chapter 13- Graduation

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Sorry for the long(ish) chapter!

With Adrien

Lorenzo: Finally! Last week of school. Can't wait to graduate.
Bruno: Not so fast Lorenzo, you still don't know if you're gonna pass or fail math. HA
L: Whatever.....
B: Adrien aren't you excited???
A: Ya.. Graduation... Then college..
L: Ugh I'm leaving, I already know you two are gonna get into a dramatic and deep conversation. BYE!!
*Lorenzo leaves*
B: Why are you feeling so down?
A: dad said that his job is transferring him back to I'm gonna go to college there..
B: That's cool! Why are you upset about it??
A: It's just that..I'm probably gonna see Marinette..and I don't know how I would act. I hurt her so much and now we aren't talking..
B: Well you're gonna have to talk to her sooner or later.
A: I know, but also, I'm not gonna have any friends..She's my only true friend in Paris.
B: Hey, I bet if I ask my parents to transfer me to college in Paris, they'd say yes.
A: You'd do that for me??
B: Of course man!

With Marinette

M: Ahh I'm so excited! It's graduation week! Then we get to go to college and I'll finally get to really learn about fashion!
Alya: You know Nino and Joseph are both gonna study to get into the music industry, and I'm gonna study to be a fashion videographer!
Joseph: Ya so we'll probably all have our basic intro classes together!
Nino: Duuude isn't that awesome??
M: It really is!

Graduation Day

With Mari-
Everyone threw their caps in the air and cheered with excitement. Marinette was excited of course, but she couldn't help but think of a memory that she shared with Adrien.

With Adrien-
Adrien and his graduating class threw their caps in the air and celebrated. He too was excited, but then a thought from the past, flashed through his mind.

Memory in elementary school
-Both thinking at same time-

M: I need help! I don't understand this!!
A: I'll help!!
M: Woah thanks I get it now!
A: No problem princess! Just know, when you're throwing your cap in the air at graduation, it's because of me. :)
M: Haha you too! You're always asking for help in math!
A: You're right, I don't know how I'd survive school without you.

Back at graduation- Mari

Nino, Alya, Marinette, and Joseph all took a group picture together. They all looked super cute in their caps and gowns.
Nino: Finally!!! No more school!
M: Haha ya for now! We're still going to college
N: oh're right...hahaha
J: Are you guys all going to Stacy's (random girl) Grad party tonight?
A: Only if we all go together!!
J: Sounds like a deal.


L: Adrien you coming with us to Franco's (random friend) party??
A: No
L: Why not???
A: I don't want a repeat of when you guys took me to the club.
B: Just come with! We won't let you drink this time.
A: No, I don't wanna risk it..
B: Okay I understand, see ya later then bud.

Adrien stayed home all night while his friends went to the graduation party. He knew that he should've gone, because you only graduate high school once..but he didn't want to risk something bad happening again.
He decided to shower to clear his thoughts. He wrapped his cast with plastic so it wouldn't get wet, and took a hot shower.

Marinette- At the party

The gang showed up to the party together, with drinks and food. None of them really knew Stacy but she was super nice.
After being at the party for an hour, Alya, Nino, and Marinette were starting to get a bit tipsy. Joseph didn't want to drink so he could keep an eye out on his friends.
Marinette had wandered off and sat on the couch with some random dude named Victor.
While Nino and Alya were making out in the kitchen. Joseph was just talking to some guy he met in his science class.

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