Chapter 12- The Mirror

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\\\\\BLOOD WARNING /////

Over the next couple of weeks, Marinette and Joseph continued to spend more time with each other. Joseph began developing feelings for Marinette, but she was still very conflicted. He would often go help Marinette at the bakery because she always seemed super busy. One night before closing the shop, Marinette decided to take a selfie with Jo, and posted it with the caption saying,

•So thankful my new friend helps out at the bakery•

They were in a side hug holding up peace signs in the selfie.

With Adrien
-Bruno was sleeping over-

*diiing* *alert from Mari's Post*
A: Who the h€LL is this guy??? And why are they so close to each other??? Is that her new boyfriend or something???
B: says "new friend"
A: Ha NEW FRIEND?? Ya right they're probably screwing right now.
B: You know Marinette isn't like that.. and why are you so jealous? You're the one that completely shut her out...
B: Whatever.. go shower to cool off you're getting all pissed off for no reason..
A: Whatever...fine..
*walks to bathroom and slams door shut*

As the water was hitting his hair, going down his neck, over his muscly chest, down his legs, and to his feet...all he could think of was Marinette. The warm water reminded him on her warm embrace.

He remembered when she came over for Christmas break, and she walked in on him showering. He laughed to himself and thought of how cute she was when she was embarrassed afterwards.
His heart longed for Marinette, he wanted to talk to her..but how could he do that if she didn't even answer him.

When he gets out of the shower, he looks at himself in the mirror and begins thinking to himself..

"What does she not see in me? What am I missing? Does she like that new friend of hers? Am I not enough? Why doesn't she love me? After all these years?"
He begins getting angry and sheds a tear before he turns around and punches the mirror with full force and screams in pain
*Bruno banging on door*
B: What's going on in there??? Adrien are you okay??
A: I-I-I-
A: I think I broke my hand

Adrien just stood there in shock as he looked down at his bloody hand. Then he looked down at his feet. The shards of mirror cut his feet when they fell.

B: *gets key and unlocks door* Cover up! I'm going in!
*Bruno walks in and sees Adriens feet and knuckles covered in blood.*
*Adrien standing in shock not moving*
B: Hey Adrien you okay??
A: -no response-
B: I'm gonna call the ambulance, put some clothes on before they get here *hands him shorts and a T-shirt*
A: O-okay.....why? Why am I bloody
B: Don't worry about it, you're in shock.

*Ambulance arrives*
*Arrive at nearest hospital*

Dr. De Luca: We need to take X-rays of your friend's hand, and clean his wounds to stitch them up.
B: Okay Doctor..

*get results*

Dr.: Seems as though the bones in your hand are fine but your wrist broke on impact.
A: So..does that mean I need a cast?
Dr.: Yes, and some metal rods to keep your bones from moving.
A: oh...ok
B: Hey man it's okay! You're not alone! I'm here if you need anything!
Dr.: Because your cuts were so deep, you can not be moving a lot or else your stitches will open back up. Understand?
A: Yes sir. Thank you.

Back at Adrien's house

B: Why'd you do it?
A: Do what?
B: Don't act stupid..Why'd you punch the mirror??
A: Idk..I just...hate myself I guess?
B: What why?
A: Mari was with that guy..maybe she likes him..what does he have that I don't???
B: Like I said earlier, she called him a friend.
A: I bet they have feelings for each other.
B: Maybe, but that's only because you don't ask her how she feels! And you've never truly shown your love to her. You only flirt with her so she probably just thinks you're messing around!
A: I literally texted her weeks ago and told her I wanted to be more than friends.
B: Dude...over text?? You have to try harder. You know she's never been the type of person to open up.
A: We've know each other forever! Why can't she open up to me??
B: Idk man, but if you don't figure this out, someone else is gonna steal her from you..and it might already be too late.
*Pulls up picture of Mari and Jo*
A: Don't show that to me...

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