Chapter 17- Christmas Dance

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\\\\\\\DON'T PLAY SONG YET///////
This song is too upbeat but I thought it was perfect for this chapter😂

Before Christmas Break

The school had a new tradition to host a Christmas Dance before everyone left school for break.
Alya and Marinette went shopping for a dress while Nino and Joseph went looking for nice suits.
Alya bought a long bright yellow dress that matched the hint of yellow in her eyes.
Marinette bought a long vneck spaghetti strap dress that was covered in shiny red beads from top to bottom, with a slit over the left leg.

A: Wow girl! That dress looks so beautiful on you! It really suits you!
M: You think so?
A: YES! You look drop dead gorgeous.
M: Haha thanks bestie but that's all you!

Friday Night- Christmas Dance.
Adrien's POV

Bruno and I walked into the big basketball stadium. Everything was decorated like Christmas for the dance. There was mistletoe, wreaths, candles, Christmas trees, and even fake snow!
The whole set up was quite nice, but I was hoping to see a particular girl that was always on my mind. Bruno hyped me up and tonight was the night I decided to reveal my true feelings, and say what I want out of our relationship.
I waited anxiously, looking at the door. I had to focus on breathing because I kept forgetting to. I was so nervous. I drank a lot of water so I had to run to the bathroom.
A: Bruno tell me if you see Marinette!
B: Will do.
I ran to the bathroom. Once I was done I ran back to the table that Bruno was sitting at and asked,
A: Did Marinette come in??
B: Ya she came in with some friends, I'm pretty sure she's in the bathroom but I lost sight of her.
I looked around for my beautiful bluenette, but there was no sight of her.
The loud distracting music didn't help me focus on finding her either.

(PLAY SONG~This is how Adrien feels~if you want)

Suddenly I heard a slow song start to play.
I looked at the dance floor and there she was.
My princess. She looked so beautiful I blushed.
I got up and was about to walk over to her to spill my feelings when another guy approached her.

B: That's one of the guys she came in with.
A: That must be Joseph...

He approached her, put one hand on her tiny waist and held her hand with his other.

I wanted to throw up..
I watched as they slow danced and her dress sparkled, but her eyes sparkled brighter. Her glossy red lips caught my attention and I got a burning sensation on my back.
He's so close to her, feeling her body and her warmth.
This isn't fair.
I wish that was me.
I had three little words I was dying to tell her.
He looks at her the way that I would.
This is tearing me apart.
I wanted to go up to him and beat him up so I could finally be with my Marinette.

As I'm frozen, just staring at Marinette dancing with Joseph, I feel a soft tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Gina. She wore a short dark green dress to complemented her eyes.
She looked at me seriously and shyly asked,
G: Wanna dance?
A: Sure..

Gina and I awkwardly slow danced until we started to get comfortable. We look deeply into each other's eyes. She looked up and said.."Look!" We paused dancing and I looked up..mistletoe..ugh.....I could feel her getting closer to me, I didn't know what to do... She started closing her eyes and leaning in.. so I did too..Before I knew it, our lips touched. Soon we were getting passionate. And she wanted to take me outside.

Marinette's POV

Joseph and I were dancing together and having a nice time when I look over to the other side of the dance floor and see Adrien dancing with a girl. He seemed to be having an okay time..
I didn't really mind it but I couldn't stop looking at him.
I looked back at him about a minute later, and they were making out...under mistletoe.

I wanna throw up.. why would he do that.
Wait, why am I jealous?

I still love him? Or do I just not want him with anyone else.

The girl he was with grabs his hands and takes him outside giggling.

I couldn't take it anymore, I let go of Jo and ran to the bathroom to cry.
Why am I feeling this way??

Alya ran after me into the bathroom and found me crying in front of the mirror.
A: Are you okay??
M: N-no!
A: Girl, if you didn't love him, this wouldn't hurt you.
M: What do you mean? *I wiped my tears and looked at Alya*
A: I mean that you have feelings that are dying to come out. You need to let those feelings out and let them grow.
M: How??
A: First you have to admit to yourself that you have feelings for Adrien. You have to accept it. You've been holding it in for so long.
M: Well he's obviously moved on.
A: Mari when she took him outside he seemed distracted and uninterested.
M: You don't know that.
A: No but you could find out. Talk to him!

Adrien's POV
Gina took me outside behind the building. She was kissing my neck and pulling my hair. It felt good. I wanted more. I desired this feeling and this attention. I lifted her up and sat her on a wooden box that I found.
I started rubbing her thigh and held her waist. I could feel her legs start to open, as if she was inviting me to get closer..into her...
I took a step closer to her and stopped myself..
I can't do this..she's not who I want. She's not the person I want this kind of attention from. If I do this I'm just using her because I'm jealous of Marinette.

A: Gina, I'm sorry I cant do this. *I step back*
G: What?? Why not?
A: This isn't right. To be honest. I love someone. And if I did this with you I'd just be using you. I'm sorry.
G: You're such a jerk!
*she got off the wooden box and SMACKS him*
A: Gina I'm really sorry!
G: *storms off* Don't talk to me ever again!

What have I done??

Gina and Adrien no longer talked with each other. And Marinette was also kind of avoiding him.
She saw what happened between Adrien and Gina. She couldn't face him.
She just imagined the worst and most inappropriate thing happen between them. It pained her to even think about that.
Alya told her to admit her feelings, but she doesn't know if she can after what she saw. She needed to talk to Adrien..but how?

Adrien was sad because he hurt Gina and for some reason Marinette started avoiding him. He would try to text her but she would just ignore him..or give him short responses.

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