Chapter 7- Parting Ways Again

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[ I'm going to start inserting POVs every once in a while now ]
-short chapter-
Next morning

Sabine: Emilie you flash is on!!
Emilie: ooh hahaha oops!

Adrien and Mari woke up to a big flash in their face

A: W-what's going on? *covers his eyes from the bright light*
*Sabine and Emilie run out of the room and close the door to look at the cute picture*
M: What just happened?
A: I'm pretty sure they just took a picture of us sleeping haha. Cmon let's get up, you gotta eat breakfast before you go to the airport *reaches hand out to Mari and helps her out of bed*

At the Airport
M: I'm gonna miss you :(
A: I'm gonna miss you too :(
They hugged super tight and Mari started walking towards the security check point
A: Wait! *runs up behind Mari and grabs her arm to hug her one last time*

The two hugged and shed a couple tears before Adrien kisses her on the cheek and says, "see you soon my princess"
Marinette blushes and smiled, this goodbye was similar to the first time they had to part ways. A kiss on the cheek and a "princess"

Tom, Sabine, and Marinette boarded their plane, and Adrien watched through the airport window as he saw their plane fly off out of sight. He blew her a kiss and walked away from the window towards his mom and gave her a hug.
Emilie: It's okay honey, you'll see her again soon.

Arriving in Paris

Marinette's POV
As soon as we get home, I go upstairs to my room, and crash on my bed. I miss Adrien already. I started blushing when I remembered waking up this morning and feeling his warmth surround me, and I buried my face in my pillow.
I love him. But I don't know if I love him as a best friend..because I've known him ever since we were babies, or if I love him the way he supposedly loves me. Also, I don't even know if he actually likes me or just enjoys flirting with me.
I should text him..

Adrien's POV
I wonder if she's home already..
*buzz* *buzz*
That must be Mari! I check my phone and see a text from her which says,

Hey Adrien! I'm home now! Miss you already!•

I get excited to see that she's home safely now.
I text her back with,

•I miss you too Mari, I'm glad you got home safely!•

We text for the rest of the night until she says she has to sleep. She has to wake up early and help her parents in the bakery for a big birthday party order.

"Goodnight Mari, sweet dreams😚"
"Goodnight Adrien sweet dreams!"

Next morning 6:30am

Marinette's POV
Hey mom hey dad! What can I help with?
Sabine: could you help us organize first, we need to have the cake, and the macaroons ready by noon.
Yes mom, I answer. We are hard at work for the next couple of hours, this can be a tiring but rewarding job. I love when our customers come in to pick up their orders, and seeing the joy in their faces makes me happy.

It is now 12:30 and our customer just came to pick up her order, I'm so glad that all our hard work payed off.
I run upstairs for a quick nap, but before I could fall asleep I get a phone call from Adrien.

M: Hello?
A: Hey! I was just calling to see how that big party order turned out
M: Great actually! I love knowing that I'm making someone's day a bit better.
A: Mari you are so sweet, just like all those desserts you make
M: *giggles* I guess working in a bakery has its benefits haha
A: Haha I agree. But Mari?
M: Ya?
A: I'm really happy you came to visit, To be honest, you coming here was the best Christmas present you could've ever given me
M: *gets butterflies* Aw Adrien stop you're so cheesy
A: I know ahaha. But you still love me!
M: Of course! Always!
A: Hey Mari I gotta go help my dad, he's setting up for a fashion show that's tomorrow, but thanks for answering my call!
M: No problem SHORTIE!!
A: Heyyy no fair, technically we're the same height right now, so you better watch out haha
M: oookayy whatever you say. But I'll get you go now so you can help your dad, Bye Adrien!!
A: Bye Mari!

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