Chapter 20- Happy

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Time skip

Adrien's POV
I couldn't be happier!! Actually I can, but I'll get to that in a bit..I feel like the luckiest man In the world.
After years and years of trying to get my best friend to be with me, I have finally succeeded. She and I finally graduated college! She got into the fashion industry with all her hard work and dedication. And  me?? Well I just finished my first 4 years of college. I still have to go to dental school. Oh ya!! Did I mention I got accepted into dental school. Once I'm done, I will be officially called Dr. Agreste.
Marinette really likes the sound of that haha...and so do I..on special occasions. 😏
The reason I say that I can still be because I want to ask Marinette to marry me..and if she says yes, then I'll be as happy as can be.
We learned to share our feelings as a couple, it's different when you've been "friends" your whole lives.
The only people I think are happier than Marinette and I are our moms. They're constantly asking when we're gonna have kids and when the wedding is..and if we've "done the deal"
I think it's kinda gross they wanna know that but they've been wanting us to date for literally forever.

Marinette's POV
I am the luckiest girl in the world. I got the guts to express my feelings to Adrien and now we're as happy as can be. Our moms are always making reservations for fancy dinners for Adrien and I..not sure why..guess they're just excited. They even tried reserving a hotel for us for a whole weekend but, we kindly declined the offer.
Adrien makes me feel like the only girl in the world, although I'm a strong person, it's nice to accept chivalry every once in a while. He opens the car door for me all the time and doors to places. I also let him tie my ice skate laces for me, even though I can do it myself. He always gets so excited when he gets to "treat me like a princess" so I just let him, it's super cute!
We've talked about getting married and having kids but it's still not official yet.
Hopefully he'll propose to me soon. I'm constantly dropping super obvious hints like..hey let's go look at the jewelry section...and then I try a whole bunch of RINGS.
I think he gets the hint but acts like he doesn't notice.

Adrien's POV
Marinette has been dropping super obvious hints that she wants me to propose..and it's super cute. Little does she know, I've been saving up for a ring ever since high school.
Actually, I bought it for her my senior year. I really hope it fits her!

A week later

*meets Sabine, Tom, and Emily at café*
A: I brought you all here because...Tom, I would like to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter.
>Sabine and Emily jump up with excitement<
T: Well Adrien..I'm not really sure...
Why you didn't ask me sooner???!!!
Welcome to the family son!! *hugs Adrien*
A: Thank you so so soo much!! I will take care of your daughter and love her for the rest of our lives.
T: I know Adrien, you're a good kid!
E:, how are you gonna ask her???
A: I'm not 100% sure yet, I was hoping you all could help me?
S: YES! I have so many ideas!! You need ROSES!! Specifically red!! you have the ring?
E: He's been saving up for it since high school!!
A: Ya, *blushes* I actually bought it my senior year.
*pulls ring out of pocket*
S&T: Wooooooahhh it's beautiful!! She is gonna love it!!
A: I know she's not really big on jewels, so I made sure the stone wasn't too big or too small, and it's silver because I know she doesn't really like gold.
S: WOW honey you know her so well, she's gonna absolutely love it!
A: I hope so! Okay, I was planning on doing it on Friday, if that day works for all of you.
E: Your dad is very busy but I'll make sure he gets the day off!!
A: Thanks mom!
S&T: Yes, Friday works!

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