Chapter 11- The New Kid

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A couple weeks have gone by, Marinette was trying to clear her head of what had happened, in hopes to forgive Adrien..Even after confronting him about getting cut off with no warning, he still made no effort to talk to there she was, waiting.

And Adrien was anxiously waiting for Mari to text him back, after all, she did leave him on read. He wanted to respect her distance, but since a couple weeks went by with no response, he began to loose hope.

One random day

Mr. Thomas: Class, settle down please, I have an announcement to make. We have a new student who will be joining us today. I want you to show kindness, being a new student can't be nerve wracking. Joseph, come on in! Introduce yourself please.

*In walks a tall, fit, brunette boy with hazel eyes*

Joseph: Hello everyone! My name is Joseph, but feel free to call me Jo for short. I just moved here from Strasbourg, which is right on the border of France and Germany. I do speak a bit of German, so if anyone is interested in learning a bit, I'd be more than happy to help!
Alya: Ooh girl close your mouth before a fly flies in hahaha
M: *jaw is dropped* O-oh ahahaha I didn't notice!!
A: ooooh seems like someone is a bit interested in the new kid!!!
M: Psshh what are you talking about I don't even know the guy!!
Mr: Thomas: Have a seat right here please.

*He walks and sits in empty seat next to Nino.(Alya's boyfriend)*

Nino: Hey Joseph, I'm Nino *shake hands*
Jo: Nice to meet you Nino! What you listening to?
N: *shares ear bud*
Jo: Nice I love this band!
N: Seems like you and I are gonna get along just fine haha
A: Mari.. you should tell him to teach you some German...
M: N-no!!! I haven't even introduced myself yet
A: *taps Nino's shoulder* Aren't you gonna introduce us?
N: Yes!! Jo, this is my girlfriend Alya, and friend Marinette
A: Hi! We're all going to the park to do homework after school, wanna come?
J: Ya! Sounds fun!!
A: Okay be there at 4!

*Mari is waiting at the park for Alya*
M: ugh where could this girl be??
J: Hello..Marinette right?
M: AH!! *turns around to see Jo* Ya! That's me, when do you think the other two are getting here?
J: Oh! Nino and I exchanged numbers, he said that him and Alya weren't gonna make it, so I guess it's just you and me haha *laughs nervously*
M: Oh how sweet of Alya to tell me
J: haha you're a funny girl Marinette
M: *blushes* can call me Mari if you'd like.
J: alright Mari! :)

-Alya and Nino hiding in bush-

A: Wow they're really hitting it off!!
N: Ya but I feel bad for bailing on them
A: Nino it's fine they'll get over it..SEE! They forgot about us already! Looks like they're having a great time
*look at Jo and Mari laughing*


M: Hey Joseph, I had a really good time, but I should probably get going...
J: Okay Mari, see you at school tomorrow?
M: Of course!!
J: *reaches for Mari's hand* May I?
M: *confused* Uuuh Sure?
J: *grabs her hand and kisses it* See you tomorrow Marinette. *walks away*
M: B-bye! *blushes & walks home*

At home
Marinette's POV
Omg I have to tell Alya what just happened.
She pulled out her phone to text Alya..
M• OMG you will NOT believe what just happened with Joseph!
A• I already know, THAT WAS SO CUTE
M• What?? How do you know?
A• Weeelllll, me and Nino were hiding in a bush...watching you guys...
M• WHAT?? Why would you just leave me alone with him??
A• Hey you should be thanking me! You two hit it off and he seems interested!
M• I guess you're right.. Thanks Alya!
A• Anytime bestie!

Marinette had butterflies in her stomach and her heart was fluttering. She lay in bed excited! Maybe a new love interest?? He was super cute, gentle, and sweet. And he genuinely seemed to care! She hadn't felt this way since she last saw.....Adrien..........
His beautiful green eyes, toned body, and soft hands flashed in her mind. She stopped her own thoughts, they were too painful...she felt conflicted. She loved Adrien, but things were, complicated....

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