Chapter 6- Date Night?

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Christmas morning

A: Mari...Mari wake up!! It's Christmas!! *yelling in Marinette's face*
M: Ooh good morning! *reaches out for a hug* Come lay down with me I don't wanna wake up yet!!
A: uuum I would princess buuuttttt you've got morning breath ahaha
M: Pshh whatever so do you! *shoves Adrien's face out of the way*
A: Let's brush our teeth and go downstairs!
M: Okay!

*both run downstairs in Christmas PJs*

Parents yell: Merry Christmas kids!!!
A&M: Merry Christmas!!

They all exchange hugs as well as gifts

Sabine: WOW!!! I love this blanket!!! (She loves blankets) Thanks Emilie you know me so well!!
Emilie: Yes!! I've been wanting one of these!! *at home foot spa* thank you Sabine!!
*gabriel opens his gift, new iPad*
*tom opens his new gift, marble rolling pin*

Emilie: Alright kiddos time to open your presents!!

Adrien got new designer shoes from Sabine and Tom, and a new computer from his parents.
Marinate got a new computer from the Agreste's also, and a new sewing machine from her parents.
Now it was time for Mari and Adrien to exchange their gifts.

M: I hope you liked it, I saved up quite a bit of money for it.
*Adrien opens a long box and sees a sharp sword*
M: I got you this sword so you can put it in your room, I thought you'd like it because you always wanted to play as warrior swordsmen when we were little.
A: Wow thanks Marinette!!! I absolutely love it!!! *gives Mari a hug* I think you're really gonna like your gift. Here you go.
M: *opens box* AH A CROWN!!! It's beautiful!!!
A: *scratches back of neck* haha ya, I thought you'd like it since you always wanted to play as a princess haha
M: *hugs A* Yes omg I love it!! Thank you!

Sabine: aw you kids are too cute! Let me take a picture, Adrien hold your sword and Marinette put on your crown.
Tom: Aww my little princess with her knight in shining armor by her side!!
*Adrien and Mari laugh awkwardly and blush*
Emilie: ugh you are both so cute together!

+Next day+

A: Hey Mari, since it's your last day here, I wanna do something special before you leave.
M: Okay! What do you have in mind?
A: Well there's an ice skating rink I'd like to take you to, and they're also serving really nice dinner..if you're interested.
M: Yes! That sounds fun!
A: Okay cool! We can skate at 5 then eat dinner at 7:30, sound good?
M: Yep!!


Tom: Bye kids! Be safe and have fun!!
A&M: Bye! We will!

At skating rink
*Mari and Adrien holding hands skating*
M: (thought) Adrien seems kind of nervous..I wonder why?
A: Hey Mari watch this!! *holds both her hands and skates backwards pulling her along*
M: Damn boy! Who taught you that??
A: Psh aha I'm self taught *winks at Mari-she laughs*

Dinner time
M: hey, wanna share a Spaghetti? Those bowls look HUGE...*look at table next to them*
A: hahaha sure princess
M: *blushes*
(Thinks to herself, "why does he keep calling me that lately?")
Waiter comes—
M: We'll have the house special Spaghetti please with extra sauce. OH and could we have some more bread please??
Waiter: of course miss, I'll have that right out for you :)

After Dinner
Waiter: Would you and your lovely girlfriend like some dessert tonight?
A: Yes we agreed on a cannoli!
Waiter: Delicious choice! I will be right back with your cannoli
M: Hahaha did he just call me your "lovely girlfriend"??
A:...AHA what are you talking about..??
M: Ya!! He said I was your lovely girlfriend and—uum..ADRIEN?? Is this like a couples only event??? *looks around and realized there are only couples*
A: Um..y-yeah??
M: What???
A: Look, if I told you it was a 'Couples only' event then you wouldn't have wanted to come! But I promise I only wanted to come because I knew you'd have fun.....I swear.
M: Hmm okayyy, whatever you say little warrior *rolls her eyes sarcastically and smiles*
A: *adrien giggles and blushes*

After Dessert
*walking back home holding hands*
A: M-Mari?
M: Ya?
A: I know we haven't really done this since we were little but, do you think maybe we could sleep together? In my bed?  Yaknow, since it's your last night together?
M: I guess we can if you reeealllyyyy want to
A: Yes Mari, I would love to if that's okay with you, if not then I respect your decision.
M: I mean, it's our last night together and who knows when I'll see you again. Of course Adrien :)

At the house
When they got back to the house everyone was already sleeping and all the lights were off. They tiptoed up to Adrien's room trying not to make any loud noises.
Once they got into Adrien's room they started getting ready for bed. Mari put on her warm res pajama pants with a black oversized tshirt. While Adrien wore a green tshirt with black pajama shorts.
Marinette crawled into bed and under the blankets to wait for Adrien to finish using the bathroom. When he got out she sat up and pat the bed *gesturing for him to lay down* he smiled, then looked away, trying to hide his blushing face, turned the lights off and crawled into bed with Marinette.
The two fell asleep sharing one blanket with their backs facing each other.
Later at night he rolled over onto his side and remembered that his princess was laying in bed next to him.

He thought to himself "I don't think she'll mind"
He spooned up behind her and gave her a tight hug wishing this moment would never end. Although he was half asleep, he began imagining how wonderful their life together would be. He moved her hair behind her ear to get a better look at her.."wow" he kissed her cheek and fell back asleep.

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