Chapter 21- The End

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Friday- day of engagement

Adrien's POV
I told Marinette to dress fancy tonight because we were going to a "really nice restaurant" I wore a red button down dress shirt with black pants and black dress shoes, with the ring in my pocket. I drove to the bakery where her mom helped her get ready. My mother was also there just so she could witness the engagement. My dad and Tom were at the park hiding.

A: Mom I'm so nervous..
E: Don't be son, it's going to all be worth it.
S: Emily lets go hide so she doesn't see us!!

I shoot Mari a text telling her I'm waiting downstairs for her in the bakery. She walks out wearing black heels, a short red dress with glitter all around it and a low v-cut neck. I look at her beautiful curled hair and the diamond earrings hanging by her ears.
She put so much effort in to looking beautiful, and wow, she did such a great job.

A: Wow princess...I-..You look absolutely stunning
M: *giggles* Thank you my prince *curtseys and laughs*
A: Marinette, I kiiiiinda lied about where we are going tonight.
M: Huh??
A: We aren't going to a fancy restaurant..
M: Where are we going then?
A: Some place special. Cmon..
*both get in the car*

We drove for about 8 minutes to the "lovers park"
I turned the car off and walked around to open her door. I held out my hand to help her get out and said
A: Close your eyes
M: O-okay..Adrien where are we going??
A: It's a surprise!
*they linked arms as he guided her into the lovers park*
A: Okay princess, open your eyes
Marinette opens her eyes to see the fountain with candles around the edges and floating inside the water, with roses in the water too.
There was a path of rose petals and candles leading to the fountain.

M: Adrien..Wow..I-I don't know what to say! This is beautiful!
She looked at his hands and he held a bouquet of Red roses, her favorite. With his other hand he held hers and walked her over to the fountain and set the flowers down.
He looked at Marinette and saw the moon shining in her eyes, and poured his heart out.

A: Marinette, I have loved you ever since we were kids, You've been my best friend since we were kids, and I've been dreaming of this moment since we were kids.        Marinette?
*kneels on one knee while holding her hand*
I promise to always do everything in my power to keep you safe, happy, and always make you feel loved. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and share endless hot chocolates and endless memories. But this is only possible if you let me, what do you say?
Will you marry me?
*pulls out ring from pocket*

Marinette was shook, her eyes began to water

M: YES OF COURSE YES!!! *she kissed him and tackled him to the ground*

They kissed on the ground and he put the ring on her finger
A: I love you too my princess!!!

*Parents come running out of the bush with cameras*
Emily&Sabine: AHHH
Adrien and Marinette stand up off the ground.
Sabine and Emily hug their kids as Gabriel and Tom make their way into the group hug.
All of them were crying with joy and jumping up and down.
S&E: We're gonna get grandkids!!!
A&M: Not is fast mom hahaha

Fast forward to day of the wedding!!

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.
Adrien goes in to kiss his princess then dips her and everyone cheers with excitement! The photographers cameras were clicking, family and friends cheering, and of course, their mothers crying.
And standing beside Marinette was her maid of honor Alya, and next to Adrien, his best man Bruno.
The two ran down the aisle as newlyweds as people threw rice their way.
They hopped into their limousine and started heading for the reception.
A: Marinette, I love you so much..This is a dream come true for me, and I hope it is for you too.
M: Of course it is Adrien! I love you too! I'm sorry I put you through so much, if I would've just admitted and accepted my feelings from the beginning it wouldn't have taken us this long to find each other.
A: No princess, I wouldn't have it any other way, I'm just happy we're finally together.
M: Me too Adrien :) hey I'm kinda hungry tho..
A: want a burger and fries before we get to the reception?
M: Ugh you know me so well!!!
*in drive through*
M: Could I get a cheeseburger with a large soda and large fries
A: I'll have the cheeseburger as well, with no onion.
M: I hope I don't get my dress dirty!
A: Here, just cover yourself with napkins
*covers self in napkins*
M: I look silly
A: No you look adorable haha now you won't get your dress dirty.

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