Chapter 4- Some Distance

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*buzz* *buzz*
*text message from Marinette😊👑*

•••Hey Adrien! Hope your drive is going good! In case you haven't noticed yet, I made a playlist of all of our favorite songs that we like to sing can find it on your music app. I titled it "Mari and I❤️"
I hope you like it, I miss you already!!
Luv Marinette :)•••

A: (thoughts) how sweet of her :)

He smiled and looked for the playlist, and sure enough there it was..he clicked on it, and started to listen. All he could think of was all the wonderful times they had together, and how beautiful she always looked when she smiled. His heart started to ache when he realized he didn't know when he would move back to Paris..his eyes began watering.

-With Marinette-

*buzz* *buzz*
*text message from Adrien💚*
•••Thanks Mari. You're the best person ever! I already miss you so much, I can't wait to see you again, I'll call you when we get to the hotel :)•••

(Because the drive was so long they had to stop halfway and sleep in a hotel)

When Adrien and his parents arrived at the hotel, he walked down from his room to the lobby and gave his best friend Mari a call

M: Hello?
A&M at the same time: I MISS YOU!!!
*both laugh*
M: How's the drive been so far?
A: Eh, fine I guess, my butt if numb from sitting in the car for so long hahaha

The two talked for an hour before Gabriel came down to the lobby to get Adrien, they had a long drive ahead of them the next day. The two said goodnight and promised to call again when he arrived at his new house.
Both of them fell asleep with sad hearts, but butterflies from their phone call.

Next day

Adrien and his parents finally got to their new home in Venice, Italy.
He decided to video chat Marinette to show her his new house.
After the virtual home tour the two kept talking until finally night came and they both fell asleep while video chatting.
Adrien woke up in the middle of the night and realized they were still on the video call, he looked at his phone and saw Marinette in a deep sleep.

A: (thought) wow, she's so cute
He fell asleep again looking at her.

Skip to first day of high school

Adrien had bought a tiny Bluetooth ear piece and bought a matching one for Mari. He shipped it out to her so that they could be on the phone whenever they wanted to.
It was the first day of school for the both of them, and they were both quite nervous so they decided to be on the phone call all day together with their little ear pieces.
Neither of them made any friends that day but at least they had each other.

Several months later

Adrien and Marinette began making friends of their own, the two would still text every day but their phone calls slowly started to dwindle. Their conversations would only consist of how their  days went. Although they missed each other, it was hard to keep up the conversation. They slowly stopped using their earpieces during school, because now they had people to talk to. They both could tell that they were slowly starting to lose contact, but felt like they could do nothing about it. All they could do was hope that they could see each other again.

First semester is over -Christmas break-

Sabine: Marinette! Could you come in here for a second? Your father and I need to talk to you.
M: Coming!! *walks into parent's room*
Tom: Your mother has been talking to Emilie over the phone lately, and they both think it would be a good idea to spend Christmas together!
M: Really???
Sabine: Yes honey! Mr. and Mrs. Agreste have offered to fly us all over to their new home!
M: AH!! I'm going to text Adrien!!
Tom: WAIT! The deal was to make it a surprise for Adrien, so none of us can say anything. Deal?
M: Okay dad, deal! I'll go start packing!!!

Marinette was so excited to finally see her best friend again, she was kind of nervous because they hadn't seen each other in a while, but hoped that it would be just like old times.
The next day, Tom, Sabine, & Marinette, all went to the airport and hopped on their flight to Venice, Italy.
When they arrived in Italy, they were greeted by a taxi man with a sign saying, "Dupain-Cheng Family" They walked over to the man and followed him to his taxi. The taxi man then drove them to the new Agreste household. Before stepping out of the taxi, Marinette's dad could tell she was nervous.

Tom: Don't worry hon, he is going to be super excited to see you!

They walked up the luxurious steps towards the front door and rang the door bell.
Emilie opened the door and greeted them all with hugs saying "Come in!!!"
She looked up and saw a ginormous sparkling chandelier above her, marble floors and countertops, and a super long staircase.

Emilie: Adrien! Come downstairs! Hurry we have guests!

*Adrien rushes down the marble stairs and stops halfway when he sees...*

A: M-mari???
M: Adrien!!!

Adrien ran as fast as he could down the marble stairs to hug his princess, almost falling in the process.
Tears began to build up in Adrien's eyes, as he finally embraced his princess, he could feel her heartbeat racing fast.

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