Chapter 19- Hot Chocolate

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~kinda short~
Continuation from "In the bakery"
Marinette's POV

Mom! Can you come take care of the front desk for me?
Sabine: Sure honey. What's going on?
I just need some time..I'll be right back I promise.
I kissed my mom on the cheek and ran upstairs to my room. I started breathing super fast and irregularly..I was freaking out. I tried to calm my breathing, but I couldn't. I couldn't relax just to think. Maybe a warm bath will help.

I went to my bathroom and started running the hot water, I let it fill my bath tub and I poured in some liquid to make bubbles.
I put my hair in a bun, sitting on top of my head. I got undressed and left my clothes on the floor, and got in the hot tub.

Finally, my breathing starts to slow down, and my thoughts are starting to calm down.
I thought of what just happened...Adrien just told me how he felt, and that he wants to be with me.

I never expected that to happen, at least not like that.
He really does know me..more than anyone else. He's always been the person I talk to, and that I go to with all my problems.
He was right, maybe I do feel the same way. I just need to accept it. And embrace the feeling.
Why is it so difficult for me??

I couldn't think anymore. I lied in the bathtub until my thoughts decided to shut up, and once I was relaxed, I got out of the tub and wrapped myself in my warm red bath robe.

I look outside of the bathroom window and see Paris covered in fluffy white snow. The streets were empty for the most part. Maybe I just need some fresh air..
I got dressed and put on my black coat and and red scarf, and headed out the front door.

I will be right back mom.
Be safe sweetie..

I walk to the park near my house..I see a bench covered in snow and I brush it off so I could sit down. I sat down and looked up to the cloudy sky, and let the tiny snowflakes fall on my face.
I took a deep breath in of the fresh wintery air.
As I took a deep breath I chocolate?
I looked around and saw a couple sitting outside of a café with hot chocolate.

It brought back the memory of when I visited Adrien in Italy for Christmas, and we drank hot chocolate in a park near his house...

Adrien...I remember him and I holding hands and walking in the snow to and from his house.
I remember him leaning in close to me and feeling his warm breath on my cold nose.
Oh how I would kill to go back to that moment, and just let him. Let him finally kiss me...

How do I choose him, without hurting Joseph.
Joseph is very understanding, and he knows that I'm conflicted. I just don't want to hurt him.

And if I choose Joseph, Adrien would be crushed.
I need to talk to him.

(Who is she going to talk to??Adrien Or Joseph??)

I get up off the bench and start heading towards his house.
I walk up the steps and knock on his door.

The door opens and I see the tall brunette with hazel eyes that I once thought I had feelings for.
I saw the love he had for me in his eyes, and my eyes started to water.
Before I could to say anything, he stepped out of his door and hugged me, saying..
J: It's okay Marinette, this is what your heart wants. It was always meant to be this way. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'll be happy knowing that you're happy.
M: *I push away from the hug crying* H-how did you know?
J: I had a feeling that's why you came.
M: I'm so sorry Joseph.
J: Mari, don't be sorry, this is what is meant to happen, I understand. Just know I'm always here if you ever need me..... *smiles* now go get em
M: Thank you for understanding

I walk away from Joseph's house and turn around to see him smiling and waving from his door.
He was so understanding. It made it easy for me to make my choice, with minimum pain.

I wanted to see Adrien right away, so I ran as fast as I could to that café near my house, smiling and wiping away my tears of joy. I wanted to share a hot chocolate again with the one I was meant to be with.
When I walk into the café with my watery eyes and I see him, waiting at a table.

Barista: Adrien! Two hot chocolates!!
A: Thank you have a nice day.

I'm still standing by the door as I see him walking towards me and he looks up..

A: Marinette? What are you doing here? Are you crying? What's wrong?
M: I-I came to buy hot chocolate...*ignoring question*
A: Well you're in luck, you don't have to now.. here..*hands me a cup* this one is for you.
M: T-thank you...I was gonna buy one for you too.
A: No that's okay! Thank you though!
M: Hey, can we go outside? I wanna talk to you.
A: Of course princess.

We walk outside to the park and sit on the bench I was just at.. we sit in silence drinking our chocolate until I finally break the ice (ha)

M: Adrien..?
A: Yes Mari?
M: I was gonna take some hot chocolate to you just now, but then we ran into each other.
A: Why would you wanna do that?
M: Well, remember when I visited you for Christmas, and we got the same thing to drink..and sat on a bench in the snow?
A: Yes I remember, how could I forget *smiles and blushes*
M: Well, you also leaned in very close to me..and I thought maybe, instead of cutting you off, maybe we could go through with it.
A: Marinette? What are you saying?
M: I know you wanted to kiss me..I won't stop you this time..if that is what you want.
A: I've always wanted that..but is this what You want?
M: Yes, I made up my mind.

Adrien's beautiful emerald green eyes lit up and sparkled. He set down his empty cup of hot chocolate and held both of my cold hands.
They felt warm, and gentle. He moved his to my face, and moved my hair behind my ear.
Are you sure? He asked
Yes..I smiled :)

He leaned in close to me, I felt his warm chocolaty breath on my lips. My heart started to flutter and pound super fast.
I closed my eyes and so did he, we both leaned in as the cold snow flakes patted our skin.

Finally, our lips touched. They fit so well together, like two missing puzzle pieces that finally found their way to be together. So soft, so warm, so gentle, yes so passionate. Just one kiss, and I knew I made the right choice.
This was meant to be, it always has been. I feel safe and at home with him. This, this is who I want to be with for the rest of my life.

He breaks away from the kiss to say,
A: I love you Marinette..
M: I love you too Adrien!
We smile with joy and hug, because finally we found each other.
A: Finally, I'm with my princess.
I blush and go in for another kiss.

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