Chapter 1

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A/N- your name is lily but feel free to imagine your name in place of lily!

"C'mon lily! Sing with us!"

I glare at Wilbur who's trying to convince me to join the singalong. The entire ride here, they haven't stopped singing. If we don't arrive soon I might go crazy.

I look to tommy who's at my right and smiling his face off. He must enjoy me being tortured.

"What're you smiling at? I thought a kid like you would be petrified." I remark, and his smile drops. I almost feel bad, but he was finding amusement at my situation here.

"Don't bully poor tommy."Dream calls back, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

I don't know how, but they've convinced me to go visit an abandoned city with them. When I finally agreed I didn't think about the ride. Which, as I'm learning, turned out to be a mistake. Not only has it been 6 non-stop hours of torture, but they keep making little remarks about it being haunted. Which I was NOT told about. Dream has also been acting jumpy and nervous, which slightly puts me on edge.

"Dreammm!" George suddenly screams, causing us all to jump.

He's pointing out the window at a large form and we all squish to his side to see.

"Nice George! You found the city!" Dream laughs, and makes the next turn.

"Please tell me that it's over." I glance behind me to the trunk area(we are in a suv, but it can't fit us all) and see Techno glaring daggers at everyone.

"I share the exact same thought." I say, rolling my eyes. It seems like only Techno and I are actually interested in getting out of this car. That might make us allies if everyone turns on each other.

Wait, what? I shake my head mentally yelling at myself. Why would I think that? That's a bad thing to think.

The car stops and everyone gets out, grabbing backpacks we had brought with us. Apparently we were planning on camping for a few days.

"Neat!" Tommy is excited, yet he makes no move to explore.

"Uh, so what do we now?" I ask, turning in a full circle.

"Set our stuff then explore. So we don't have to do it tonight." Dream says, and everyone nods. Except techno.

"I say we explore. Who knows what might be here. There might even be a better spot to be at." He has a point, and it seems like we are all torn.

"Guys, lets just listen to Dream. That way we don't have to carry all our stuff back here." Sapnap interrupts.

Everyone starts pitching tents, apart from me. I stare down at the being orange canvas and mix of poles. How does someone make a tent out of this? I glance around to see everyone else making progress. Techno and dream are closest to me, while George and sapnap are by dreams side and Wilbur and tommy on techno's. I'm somehow in the middle.

I grab a pole, and some of the tent in my hand. I don't even know where to begin with this thing.

"Need some help?" I turn to my right to see dream smiling and already grabbing my tent.

"Maybe." I reply, slightly upset I couldn't figure it out.
I take a step back and let him figure it out, and observe everyone else.

"Have you been camping before?" I ask, slightly confused how he's gotten his done so fast.

"Yeah, a few times. These tents can be tricky though, so don't feel bad." He gives me another smile, but this one is meant to be reassuring.

I smile back, then take a step towards the city. I glance over my shoulder at our half circle of tents, debating if I should call out to the others.

"Where are you going?" Techno asks, and I smile. At least I won't have to go alone this way.

"To explore, duh. Does anyone want to come?" I direct the last part to everyone, but only Wilbur come over.

"Sure." He says.

"I'm in. All the rest of you are wimps." Techno exclaims, moving forward a few feet.

Sapnap rolls his eyes, and tommy frowns.

"I'm not a wimp! I just have to set up the tent."  He yells back, but we're already walking away.

I throw a quick sorry over my shoulder, feeling bad. It's not even the second day and he's already being picked on. I know it's all fun and games though.

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