Chapter 9

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A/N ok, so the story is getting interesting. Even I'm excited!

Everything goes silent, and I slow down.
"What are we doing?" I whisper. "Going back to camp will only lead him to Wilbur, Tommy, and Dream."

"What are we supposed to do? I would say get in the van and drive but Dream took the keys when he vanished." Techno whispers back.

"Maybe we can defeat him somehow. There's way more of us..." I think, and everyone stares at me.

"First off, defeat them! You saw how they caught the knife. Second, how do you know it's a he?" Bad doesn't lower his voice, and I flinch.

"Shh! Their figure was one of a man. And we have to do something."

Everyone nods, but I'm still worried. Bad is right. We have to play really smart and strong to defeat this guy. And also, an arrow. He's actually trying to kill us! But that means he is prepared with many weapons. Where did he come from?

"So we make a loop and run back. He won't expect that." Sapnap is saying, and pointing.

"Sounds good to me." I reply, shifting from foot to foot. "I still have adrenaline stopping me from having an asthma attack."

George gives a small laugh, and I smile. My trick to lift the mood worked. Everyone soon voices similar words of agreement, and we run off again.

in the shadows

"Fools. They think they can get away? Or outsmart me? This will be easier than I thought."

Back to Lily

My adrenaline has flown out the window, and I'm crashing. I'm leaning on techno and I've slowed down. I'm struggling to breathe, and my vision is going in and out.

"Lily." Techno says, pushing me upright. Without him to lean on I waver and wobble.

"I'm." I pant out, "fine."

"Clearly not. Here, we can stop for a bit and let them go ahead." I sit down, and focus on breathing. My asthma stinks, and I wheeze and I try to breathe deeper.

"Pocket knife." I burst out. "In... bag." I throw off my bag, and push it towards him.

He digs through my bag, finding two items. One is the pocket knife, the other is a small inhaler. Enough for one asthma attack. He holds it out to me, but I push it away.

"I'll. Use it. When... it's worse." I'm slowly getting back to normal, and the black spots in my vision leave. "I can get over. This one."

I gasp in another breath, and after a few minutes I'm back to normal. I'm lucky that worked, I really want to save the inhaler for emergencies.

"Ok. Are you ok now? We can run at a slower pace. If you're ok enough to run." Techno seems really worried about me, and I smile.

"Yeah, im good. Fine. Let's go." He helps me up again, and I nearly fall over.

His eyes widen and he laughs, reaching out to steady me. "Let's go." My cheeks burn in embarrassment, and I shrug off his hand and nod.

Soon we're jogging to the others who had stopped after they noticed we were gone. Everyone is in a slight panic and I feel guilty. George turns around and sees us first, and his face instantly softens.

"Lily! Techno!" He yells when we reach him.

Everyone turns to us, and I see how badly bad is shaken up, and how strong Sapnap has to be right now.

"Hey." I give a weak wave and Sapnap scowls.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were?!" He shouts, and I shrink back. "We thought d- that guy got you!"

Techno steps up next to me. "Thanks for the concern too." He sarcastically says, then gets serious. "Lily has asthma. I stopped so she wouldn't be alone while having an asthma attack."

Everyone looks at me instead of both of us, and I glare at techno. "Thanks a lot. Throw me under the bus." I mutter, and elbow him.

He inches away from me and rolls his eyes.

"Next time just tell us, then." Sapnap sighs, and runs a hand through his hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I snap. "When was I supposed to tell you? Maybe when I couldn't breathe?"

He shakes his head, and turns to say something back, but bad beats him to it.

"Guys... we can't fight. Please don't fight."

Sapnap deflates. "We won't. Everything will be fine."

Bad nods, believing the words. I don't. I don't believe his words at all. Nothing will be fine.

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