Chapter 12

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A/N last chapter was shorter, I know, and I'm sorry. This one is better, ok? ALSO HECK YEAH 350!!

I watch techno leave, holding up my hand to block to sun, which is creeping lower and lower. Techno doesn't glance back, and a feeling of dread fills my stomach. I push it away, and turn away from him to where we are supposed to go.

"Lily?" George asks, and I look up to a knife. "Take it."

I grab the knife, and hide it in my sleeve. That will teach the guy the next time he comes after me. A small smile takes place on my face as I think of stabbing the knife into him, and him pulling away. Revenge for bad I'll say.

"Lily?" With a shake I go back to reality, where Sapnap is staring at me like he's seen a ghost.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"You looked like..." he trails off, then shakes his head. "Nevermind. George and I were saying that we should stay here, do perimeter checks. Stuff like that."

I glance at George, and he nods. "Um ok." I say.

"I'll check around first!" George volunteers.

I nod, and sit down, troubled. As he walks off Sapnap sits too. "Sapnap?"


"What was wrong?"

Sapnap takes in a sharp breath. "Nothing."

I roll my eyes, and give a small laugh. "You looked like you saw a ghost!"

"I just... ok. So you know dream?" I nod internally laughing. Of course I know dream! He came here with us. And then abandoned us. "One time George and I went out with him. To... a hangout area. There was a fight, dream being involved in it." I'm not getting where he's going. But this hangout area was certainly a bar.

"Ok...?" I ask, confused.

"He had this look in his eye, when he was fighting. It was almost like... he wasn't himself. Admittedly he got into that fight because of reasons only he would fight over," I raise an eyebrow at this, "something some guy had said. Anyways, you just had a look like that."

Oh god. Is that the look you get when thinking of hurting someone? Why would I even think that? I don't know why I did. I'm such a bad person! But am I? That guy killed bad.

"Oh." I manage to peep out.

Sapnap shrugs it off and laughs. "Yeah, it was nothing. Now you like you've seen a ghost!" He jokes and I roll my eyes.

Suddenly, a blood curling scream comes from a bit off.

Sapnap and I exchange glances, fear obvious in our eyes. "George." We both say, and get up, running to the screams direction.


I walk out into the hallways of the building we're in, taking a look around. There's a few doors, and I open one experimentally. There's a few desks, but nothing cool.

Without really looking at stuff, I move on. I'm thinking about dream. Where could he have gone, and why? Dream is the strongest person I know, so the man wouldn't have gotten him. A nagging suspicion lurks in my mind, but I ignore it. It's crazy anyways.

My feet seem loud in the silence, and I look down at them. I'm wearing worn out tennis shoes, black stripes racing down them. They hit the dirty rug, which I think might've been red once. I'm sure the rug is covering a dirty floor, too. Suddenly I run into something and I nearly fall.

Stumbling, I grab onto something and straighten myself. "Sorry." I laugh.

"Um." A voice says, and I jump back, my eyes widening. Aw, shoot.

I just ran into the man.

"Um, ok. So listen. We can talk about this, right? I'll just leave or something." I ramble, hand going in the air. I have a knife on me, but I don't want to use it.

"It's a bit too late for that." Something seems off about him, and I realize what. His voice is a bit higher. It's not as deep as it was before.

"Why is your voice different?" I ask, then immediately mentally yell at myself. "Uh Wait I didn't mean that."

The man doesn't get mad, though. Instead, he does something strange and laughs. "Geor-" he cuts himself off but my eyes widen.

"How do you know my name?!" I ask.

"I don't. I said god." He says.

"You said my name." I argue, then immediately regret it when he pulls out a knife. "No you didn't. You said god."

He throws the knife right at me, and I duck, letting out a scream.

I take off down the hallway, randomly weaving in case he throws something at me again. I don't stop running, but I don't hear footsteps after me.

I look to the door where the others are, it's so close. I burst through it just as the others try to. We end up running into each other and falling into a heap. I quickly sort myself out, and so does everyone else.

"We gotta go! Now!" I yell, and instinctively grab Lily's hand. She freezes, but I pull her to the front of the building, and she snaps out of it.

We dash out the door, and I somehow end in the lead, taking random twists and turns until I run out of breath.

"Care to explain what just happened?"

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