Chapter 16

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A/N- um also violence in this chapter I guess. Here's the chapter I DIDNT FORGET. ME? NEVER.

George walks purposefully up to the man, yet the man doesn't do anything. He just watches him walk up to him, silent. I'm shaking, and Techno puts a hand on my shoulder.

"What is he doing?" He whispers.

"I don't know!"

I have a bad feeling. I take note of everything in that second, the way the man is standing, the way Tommy is slumped, and the way George isn't showing fear.

A glance over at Sapnap shows me he isn't surprised, and perhaps even knows what George is doing, his face shows grim acceptance. Wilbur has wide eyes, and isn't moving an inch. Techno is just watching George and the man warily.

"This isn't who you are." George says, stopping when he's within reach of the man.

Does George know the man is? Why didn't he tell us earlier?

"And who am I?" The man asks. It sounds natural, and my mind gets spinning.

"Why are you doing this to us?" George's voice is low, but we all hear him.

The man doesn't reply.

George reaches out, gripping the mans mask.
And suddenly, I understand. I know who is behind the mask, and I know why George could walk up to him without Tommy being killed.

"George.." Tommy whispers. "Don't." In a second I know what Tommy is thinking. He thinks he'll die.

It's too late though, and George removes the mans mask. I can see his blond hair, green eyes, freckles, and sadness in his eyes. Even though I knew who it was last second, it still surprises me.

"Just let them go Dream. You can have me, but let them go."

I stagger forward letting out a cry. "George, no!"

Behind me Techno's dagger clatters to the ground.

"Why would I do that?" Dream asks, tilting his head. "You all will do what I say with Tommy here in this state anyways."

George meets Dreams gaze, calm.

"You don't have the guarantee of that. Besides, I know you." As an after thought he adds, "or I used to."

Dream laughs, but it's not his wheeze. It's a dark chuckle that fills me with fear.

"And you'll come willingly? No fight?"

I want to do something, maybe cry out, attack, or yell. But I can't. I'm frozen in place, unable to do anything. This is between Dream and George now.


Dream attacked us.

But we saw him! It must've just been a rouse to get us to tell him about the others. Dream, our friend, did this. He killed bad, and made this happen.

This explains why he seemed nervous on the drive. Did he plan to kill us all here? But why? There's pieces to this puzzle that don't fit, and I want to know everything.

Suddenly I know what to do.

In one movement I'm behind George with my knife to his throat.

"What are you doing?" He cries out, panicking.

"Move, or kill Tommy, and I'll kill George." I declare.

Dream scoffs, and rolls his eyes. "Yeah right."

"What? Think I won't, pretty boy?" I press my knife closer to his throat, and raise an eyebrow.

"What makes you think I don't want him dead? Maybe you're just doing me a favor."

"If you wanted him dead, you would've killed Tommy then him." I shrug, "you shouldn't be so obvious."

It's a terse few seconds, both of us standing off. I would never hurt or kill George, and I'm afraid he'll call my bluff.

"Fine." He hisses, releasing and stepping away from Tommy.

I let go of George and grab Tommy, helping him over to Wilbur.

"Take him away from here, ok?" I whisper, and he nods.

They rush off, leaving Sapnap, George, Techno, Dream and I to remain in a face off.

I don't know what Dream's thinking right now, but I have a feeling he's not happy. I walk over to Sapnap who smiles at me.

"Nice play." He whispers, and I nod.


"So." Dream claps, bring our attentions back to him. "Shall we resume our battle until you four drop or what?"

Shoot. I didn't think this far ahead, only that Tommy needed to get out of his position because if he stayed that way for long he would die of blood loss.

"You gotta catch me first." George says, a smirk on his face.

George runs off, in the opposite direction of Tommy and Wilbur.

Dream hesitates, but I know what he's going to do. And it pains me, because he's going to go after George.

A few seconds later he's running after George.

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