Chapter 4

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A/N- so this chapter has fan art of techno, I'm not sure who made this but it's very good!

It's unsettling, this city. The silence. It's not exactly silent, though. There's the creaking of doors and windows, the calls of birds. But it's not a normal thing I'm used to. You want to know what also isn't normal? Finding bankrupt papers in every single building we come across.

"And another." I say, holding up yet another paper with bankrupt written all over it. It's getting annoying at this point. "Guys maybe we should just move to a diffrent area. Maybe this area is just poor."

"Yeah, lets head back to camp. That's probably the best idea right now, and we can eat lunch." Sapnap agreed, nodding his head.

"And pick up dream!" George adds.

Sapnap shoots him a nervous look, which I decipher. They don't think he'll be there. But why not? What do they know that I don't?

I'm just about to say something when a loud bang comes from behind me. I jump and spin around.

"Get back." Sapnap yells, and I'm happy to oblige. "Listen, I want you to run. We'll be right behind you, I promise." He's speaking directly to me, but if there's one thing I hate it has to be being excluded.

"I'm not leaving you." I shake my head firmly.
"You aren't leaving us! You're just leaving first."
"I don't remember how to get back." That exactly isn't a lie. I only partly do, I know the general direction but not the route.

Sapnap throws his hands up and turns to face me.

"We dragged you into this. If anything happened to you we couldn't forgive ourselves. Just run in a direction." His voice is low, and his eyes are conveying how Serious this is to him.

"You better be behind me." I hiss. "And. All of you better stay safe. I'll meet you at camp. Or I'll find the others." George nods while bad looks nervous.

I back out of the building slowly, and look over at where the noise was right before I go.

Green eyes.

When I'm out of the door I make a dash for the right, not looking behind me. I don't hear footsteps though, which makes me think SOMEONE lied to me. I duck into a building and peer out broken and dusty windows to see if there's anything.

But there's no one.

Suddenly footsteps fast approach and I jump out just in time to see George pull a knife out. Admittedly it isn't very big but I still leap back.

"What the h- it's me!" I cry, and I see the fear in his eyes.

"We gotta go! Someone- there's someone following us."

"Where are the others? What happened to them?" I beg.

"They're fine. But we won't be if we don't run. We split up to confuse whoever it was. It took after Sapnap I think."  Sapnap can take care of himself, I know it, but it's still worrying.

"George we have to find the others."

"Then we gotta move!"

And so we run. We try to stay quiet and keep our eyes peeled. Whoever is here doesn't like us. What about dream? He's been missing since this morning... what if he was taken? Or worse.  But I push away those thoughts and keep running. At one point I think I hear a gasp, and stop.

"What... are... you... doing?!" George stops between each word, gasping for breath much like me.

"Someone. I saw... my... asthma..." I gasp out.

Suddenly boots appear in front of me, because I'm bent down looking at the ground. I look up holding my hand to shade the sun out.

"What happened to you guys?!" Techno asks, and I just about collapse from relief.

"Someone was chasing us. Split up." George manages to say.

Concern flickers across techno's eyes before his brows furrow. "Well... come inside this building for a few minutes we can go after them in a minute. In the meantime lily looks like she's about to pass out."

"You.. jerk." I spit out, fully standing up. "Just because I don't run a lot doesn't mean I won't pass out. It's called asthma." I can slowly feel the air filling up my lungs, and I exhale sharply.

"Let's just get into safety." George says.

We head inside to the building to our right, and  tommy and Wilbur are inside of it.

"What happened to you guys?" Tommy exclaims, eyes wide.

"Running happened to me. But yeah, what did happen to you george?" I turn to George, putting the weight of the question on him.


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