Chapter 3

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A/N- I might start putting fan art in chapters (of characters not my story, I wish) what do you think?

"Wake up you muffin heads!" I awake to a scream, which isn't the nicest way to wake up.
Judging by the use of muffin heads, it's bad.

I unzip my tent and emerge, trying to adjust to the bright light. There's a grinning badboyhalo standing outside in the middle of us all. I see others also emerging from the tents.

"Why did you wake us up this early, might I ask?" I groan.

"You said an early start! I'm giving you all five minutes. Then we go!" He's wearing a boyish grin which makes him seem much younger. I roll my eyes and stretch.

"Idiot.." I hear techno mumble.

Five minutes later almost everyone is ready. Key word, almost. We're missing one person.

"Where's dream?" George asks.

Everyone starts looking around, but he's nowhere to be found. Not even a foot print. George even goes into his tent, and returns confused.

"It's empty."
"So he's not in there?" Sapnap asks. "We already figured that."
"No! Like, there's nothing in there." George insists.
"Let me see." I interrupt, and peer into his tent.

Just as George said, not even a crumb is inside. But why would he take all his stuff, but not the tent? And where did he go?

"Maybe he went out to scout camp somewhere else. Like techno suggested." Wilbur suggests. We all think that's possible, but not entirely sure why he'd take everything or not tell one of us.

"Let's leave a note and go." Bad chimes in.

Everyone says I have the best handwriting, which I bet they're lying about, so I write a short and simple note.

Gone to look around the city. When you get back don't worry.
-your friends :)

After much thought I add the smiley face, but worry it might be too corny. It's too late though, the pencil doesn't have an eraser.

"Ok. So I guess we'll go now..." I trail off, unsure. It seems just wrong to leave without dream.

"He'll show up." Sapnap assures me. "I know my friend, he wouldn't just disappear."

With dream gone, Techno takes the role of leader and we all follow after him. He leads us to the heart of the city and instructs us to split up.

"That doesn't seem like the wisest idea. This is a strange city, what if we get attacked by something?" I argue.
"Fine. Split into two groups. If you're so worried you can go with george, Sapnap, and bad. I'll go with Wilbur and tommy." I glare at him. I'm not worried! I'm just... ok so maybe I am worried. I have every right to be.

So we end up into two groups, each heading off into different directions. My group immediately goes into a tower, which doesn't look the safest but I'm not arguing.

"It's smart to go into groups instead of splitting up completely. Don't worry." Sapnap tells me, investigating a drip from the ceiling.

"Hey, I think I found something." George says from underneath a desk.

"Hm?" I hum, engrossed in my own search of a desk. I've found a bunch of papers, letters.

George pops up holding a paper and covered in dust. "Listen. It's a file for bankruptcy. This place must've gone out of business."

I take a closer look at my letters, and realize they're all letters about the company closing. No pay. No bonus. Clear out your desk.

"But why would they leave everything here?"

"It's a mystery!" Bads over-enthusiastic voice calls over to us.

"Maybe it's all junk they didn't want." Sapnap shrugs, as lost as we are about this.

Suddenly a breeze blows through the door, and I shiver. "Who left the door open?" I walk over and close it, dropping the letters in my hand.

"Lily... we closed it." Sapnap says, suddenly concerned.

"Ha! Nice try." I laugh nervously, looking around. "Wait, you're serious?"

"The wind probably blew it open." George says, shooting a dirty look at Sapnap.

"Let's go to a different building?" Bad suggests.

"Yeah, lets get out of this one."

I'm the last to exit, and I look back. There's nothing.

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