Chapter 6

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A/N so that last chapter was in George's POV of chapter 4 (what happened after lily ran) this is going back to lily now. Sorry for confusion! No fan art this time. Also this late night update is brought to you by forgetting.

"Well, bad just gave us daggers and we ran." George says, shrugging. I feel like he's leaving some bits out but I don't press.

"Wait, why did you run?" Techno asks, confused. That's right, he doesn't know about the person.

"Some squatter person was after us." I tell him. "And we split up I guess, even though that wasn't the original plan." I glare at George with that, a bit upset.

"We have to help Sapnap though, that's who they took after." George adds.

"Guys guys guys. Let me get this straight. You ran from a squatter not even attacking you?" Wilbur butts in.

I know how it sounds out loud. the energy in the room... it was wrong. Whoever they were was hiding and had an air of danger around them. It was a bad situation. And so I voice that.

"They didn't feel nice though, they felt... dangerous."

"We can go look for them. It's fine." Techno says.

"Woah! Did I say I wanted to walk into a dangerous situation?" Tommy asks. "I mean it's probably not dangerous but still."

"Actually tommy!" George's eyed light up. "You should go back to camp with Wilbur. Stay with someone else, ya know? And get dream."

That actually sounds like a good idea. Both parts, about going in a pair and getting Dream.

We all agree it is, in fact, a good idea. And we head off our own ways.

"So, a squatter. Did they have a weapon?" Techno asks, a few minutes later.

"We didn't get a good look at them. They were hiding in the shadows." George says, shrugging.

"Green eyes." I exclaim. They both turn to me surprised, and I lower my voice. "I saw bright green eyes."

George's eyes widen and he quickly looks away. I ignore it though.

"Ok then. We're looking for someone with green eyes. That won't be hard at all." Sarcasm seeps into techno's voice.

"Wow. Such confidence. But let's go." I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Oh. And where might they be?" Techno retorts, mimicking me and crossing his arms.


I glance back, fear pushing me faster. Right before Lily left, I caught sight of bright green eyes. Other than that I have no idea who it could be. There's a whisper in the back of my head, telling me I do know. Just look at the facts. But I push it away and run even faster.

My thoughts change to bad, who I foolishly left. Honestly the person might not even be following me. They could be following bad. I stop dead in my tracks, my veins being flooded by terror. Bad. I have to find him. I make a sharp turn, and another.

I'll get lost this way, he could've made any turns. I need to figure out a new way. I pull out my phone to find I have no service, but ignore that and go to a tracker app of sorts, which dream set up. He tagged all of us in it, and only recently told us of it. It was for a 'surprise' for all of us. For him to appear wherever we were at. Right now though, it's coming in handy.

At the time I didn't think so and and we ended up getting in a huge argument over the app. He said if we got lost we could find each other though, which is what I'm trying to do right now.

"C'mon..." I mutter, pressing myself closer to the building. Suddenly, three dots appear in different areas. Me, George, and bad are there but dream isn't. His phone might be off, it's not that odd.

I focus back on bad, and see his dot blink red and black. It's a nice touch. He's only a few streets away from me, and I'm thankful. Sticking to the sides of building I rush over to him. I'm faster than him, and catch up easily.

"Bad!" He holds his hands up in surrender, and turns around. I feel bad for scaring him. "It's me!"

"You muffin!" He yells. And quiets down. "Where's George and lily and the others?"

I glance down at my phone to find George's blue and red dot heading towards us. "About to meet us."

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