Chapter 14

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After that scare, we all agreed that we needed a break. Just to process what's happened. So far the spot we've been in seems safe, and I'm happy to sit for a while.

"So, are we just going to ignore the fact that whoever is attacking is isn't just strong and good with weapons, but also smart and with access to poison?" I burst out, and George and Sapnap turn to me, surprised. "Seriously though."

"I don't know. I don't think they live out here, though. Access to that kind of stuff..." Sapnap trails off, shaking his head. "It's all confusing. Why would they want to attack us?"

George is oddly silent, and I nudge him. "What do you think?"

He startles, then grins sheepishly, but nervously. I have a feeling there's something he isn't telling me.

"I think we should get out of here. Find Techno and the others."

I'm surprised, I thought he'd want to process what happened for a second.

"Oh. So do you want to go now?" I tilt my head slightly, confused.

"Actually I need to talk to Sapnap for a second..." I'm hurt, and it shows. He shoots me an apologetic look, then gets up and leaves with Sapnap.

I follow them, but make sure they can't see me. I don't care what they're talking about, we're all in this place together. Even with as close as I am though, they're whispering and it's hard to hear.

" think?" I catch Sapnap say.

"Don't tell her." George replies. He's always had a problem with whispering and I smile.

"If.." Sapnap trails off.

"We don't even know for sure!" George exclaims and I take it as a chance to walk in.

"You guys ok?" I put a smile on my face, and give a laugh. "I heard raised voices."

"We're fine." George bursts out before Sapnap can say anything.

"Actually." Sapnap clears his throat, and George gives him a dirty look. "We have something to tell you about dream."

Whatever I was expecting, it wasn't going to be about dream. My worst guess was they thought something happened to Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur.

"What about me?" A voice asks from behind me, and I spin around.

"Dream?!" I ask.

A/N almost left it here but ima be nice also lol almost forgot to update today

He has a slight smile on, and I can hear the relief in his voice. "Where have you guys been? I heard voices and thought it was you george."

I turn to George who has pure terror written on his face, but quickly erases it. "Yeah. That was me."

"Where have you been? We were worried." Sapnaps frowning, and I'm confused. I thought it was obvious he was looking for us.

"Looking for you guys!" He makes a weird hand movement, and my eyes lock onto something on his hands.

"Dream..." I whisper, "what's on your hands?" He holds his hand up to something red on them, most likely blood. There's always the chance it isn't, though.

"You know the person? Have you run into them yet? I had a run in with them..." Instantly any worry I had about him vanishes and bad comes rushing into my mind.

"Yeah... we had some bad run ins with them. They got bad." Sapnap says, calm as can be. I gape at him. How can he be so calm while saying that the man got bad?

Dream's eyes widen, and he looks at us closer. "Are you guys ok? Where are the others?"

"We sent Techno to get tommy and Wilbur." I say, glancing around. "That was actually a while ago..."

"Techno? You can't trust that idiot! I'll go find them." He flashes us a grin, and turns around.

"Wait! What about us? We'll come with you." George bursts out.

"No! Don't. You and Sapnap and fight your own, I don't really know about lily-"

"I can fight, thank you very much." I interrupt.

"Ok. Anyways if you leave here first, if the person is outside they'll  go after you and won't suspect me and the others."

His reasoning is flawed, and not like him at all.

"That's not the best reasoning." Sapnap points out.

"I just... if they do go after me I don't want you guys to have to see." He looks down at the floor, and his hand goes to the back of his neck. I instantly feel bad.

"It's fine. We can do fine on our own, right?" I glare at Sapnap and George, mentally willing them to say yes.

"I guess." Sapnap shrugs.

"Ok. I'll see you. I'll bring them back here?" Dream has a small smile, but he feels off. He's probably just worried, though.

"Yeah." I nod, and with a small wave he leaves.

"That was weird." George says, staring after him.


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