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Dream POV

My boots click smartly on the floor, and I find myself conflicted.

The deed has been done. I've won.

The city I took my friends to wasn't abandoned, or at least it only was on the surface. Underground there is a giant and complex hidden base, complete with anything you'd ever need. Complete with my friends.

As I walk past a glass wall and metal bars, I hear a whisper.

"Dream?" They ask. The unmistakeable British voice belongs to George.

"George." I nod, even though I'm not sure if he can see me.

"I'm alive."

"So are the others."

He gasps, and I peer into the darkness where he is. There's a glass barrier separating me and him, but he's also in a metal cage. That I have the keys to.

"Dream what's happening?"

"The million dollar question." I remark.

"You're... more like yourself."

"That's because I'm alone."

"You weren't before?"

Oh he won't understand.

"Physically I was." I try to explain.

There's something inside of me. Something telling me what to do. There's a part of me that is me, but there's a part of me that isn't. That's the part that made me do all this. The part my boss takes advantage of. God I hate my boss. The stupid idiot just wouldn't keep my friends out of this.

"Dream... can you let us out now?"

"Oh no." I reply, much too quickly. "I can't."

"Why not?"

My phone buzzes, and I look down at it surprised.

"Sorry Georgie, I have to go."

I use an old nickname for him that I haven't used in ages, and he goes quiet. I walk further down the hall, past more cages and glass barriers.


Where are you


This is for the best

Yes. For the best

I glare down at my phone and put it in my pocket. It buzzes again but I ignore it. I'm on my way anyways. It's not like they can't see me, there's cameras all over this place.

I reach a door, the only door. It's quite extravagant. It's all wood, reminding me of the door I kicked down, and things are engraved in it. Just swirls, nothing special. The wood is some type of dark color.

I open the door slightly dramatically.

It's a table with a few people seated there, and one raised seat. I take my seat next to someone, and stare at the person in the raised seat.

"Nice of you to join us, Dream." They drawl. "Took your time."


I lower my eyes, instead looking at the person next to me.

Their shoulder is bandaged, yet they smile at me.

"Ignore em. He's messing with you. Seriously though? Stabbing me? Kinda hurt." Techno gives me a nudge.


"Yeah yeah. Convincing them blah blah blah. I just want anarchy already."

I give him a small smile. I'm glad to know there's no hard feelings there.

"Enough chit chat!" The man at the head of the table says. "Six people are out of our way. Thanks to Techno and Dream."

We both stand and nod then sit again.

"This is the start of something great, my friends." His smile seems sickening. "But for now, we have six prisoners. Dream I'm putting you in charge of them for now. Techno... I love the work keep it up. You two are excused."

We both get up, but I pause at the door. I look back at the man that made me do all these terrible things to my friends. Will he kill them one day? What does he really want with them?

"What?" He snaps, annoyance clear.

"Nothing, sorry Jschlatt."

A/N: wow. Ok. So wow. Don't forget about the sequel! It's going to be called Nightmares.

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