Chapter 17

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A/N- there's a panic attack in this chapter so be careful.

It's just Techno, Sapnap, and I left. My immediate concern is to get somewhere safe, and my mind seems clear. I should be freaking out, and crying. I should be panicking. But I'm oddly calm, and focused.

"Guys, lets go somewhere safe." I suggest, and both Techno and Sapnap jump.

"Are you ok? Did you not just see what happened?! It's dream- and he's after George now." Sapnap burst out, holding back a sob.

I blink at him. "Yeah. I was right there. But I'm just saying."

"You're too calm. But I guess you're right." Sapnap says.

I look over at Techno, who won't say anything. He isn't even looking at us. His hands are curled into fists, and he's breathing deeply.

"Techno." He jerks his head up, "let's go."

His expression is blank, then he nods. Suddenly, a word pops into my head that describes what my emotions are.


I'm in shock. I'm actually glad for it, because now I can think clearly.
We start walking down the street, and I'm going first. I keep looking into buildings, hoping to find an intact room. Just when I'm about to give up, I see a mostly intact room.

I make a sharp turn, and head directly for it. After I enter I realize the inside is a mess, but it's the best we've got right now.

"Um, I think I'll go look for George?" Sapnap says.

"Ok. Be safe?" My voice cracks on the last word, and I wince.

Sapnap gives me a small smile, "of course."

He leaves, leaving Techno and I alone.

"Um." I mutter. Techno's staring blankly at the wall, and it's unsettling. It's not like him to be quiet, and it worries me.

"I'm just gonna... step out for a second."

He nods, and I walk out into the street. It's silent and still, apart from the dust Sapnap and I stirred up.

The place looks bad, but not like a place where I'll die. I take no comfort in that though, instead it makes me sad. I always thought I'd die of old age, not being hunted by Dream of all people.

Dream was always so nice, and funny. He never even showed a hint of this side of him. I don't understand what's happening. Why would Dream even want to kill us? We're all friends! Or I thought we were.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by heavy breathing behind me, and I whirl around. Fear is taking a place in my heart, but it creeps back down when there's no one. I walk back into the building and find Techno, but something is wrong.

Techno's breathing heavy, and is pale. He's shaking too, and I'm struck by what this is. It's a panic attack. I never even knew he had anxiety, he hid it so well. Well, apart from his jokes.

"Techno?" My voice is soft, and I crouch near him. He doesn't reply, most likely too deep in his thoughts.

I reach out and sit next to him, putting and arm around his shoulders.

"Oh my god." He's saying, but it's quiet.

"Hey, Techno." I give him a small shake, but it doesn't seem to help.

"Techno." I say it sharper.



This doesn't seem to be working, so I switch his name to his real one.


He jerks back, surprised. We never use his real name, but in this case it worked.

"S- I'm sorry" he mutters.

He's still shaking, and I put my arms Around him.

"We're gonna be ok. We are going to get out of this, make a YouTube video, and get tons of clout." I make a weak attempt at a joke, knowing it's bad, but it still gets a laugh.

"Not George or Bad though. And who knows what happened to Wilbur or the kid." He takes a deep breath, seemingly becoming calmer. "I know it seems like I hate Tommy but it's all jokes, you know?"

This is a side of Techno I haven't seen before, but he's made jokes about it in the past in videos. About his social anxiety, and just general anxiety.

"Yeah. He knows it too. And they're gonna be ok."

"Thanks." Techno is suddenly shy and embarrassed and I can't help but laugh. "What?"

"You're being so nice!" I giggle, not quiet knowing why.

"Um, thanks?" I stop giggling, and just sit there. We stay silent for a little before he breaks it. "Could you... like.."

"Not mention it?" I give a knowing smile, and he nods. "Yeah, of course. But I have to ask, why didn't you tell us? You've always seemed so calm."

"I dunno. I was just embarrassed. It doesn't fit my character." He shrugs, and I smile again.

"Yeah. Ok."

We sit there for a little while more, just composing ourselves.

When Sapnap comes back, freaking out, we're fine.

"He's gone! There's no trace of him, at all! It's like he never existed!"

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