Chapter 7

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A/N ok so this is back to lily(you) again sorry. I just thought that was cool thing to include also, 150 reads!!! AHHH

After much convincing we end up walking in the general direction George said bad was. I tried to convince them to go after Sapnap, but techno argued we would be walking straight at the person who was after us. If we got bad at least we could have him, and maybe Dream, Wilbur, and Tommy would be fast enough to join us.

I suppose it was a good point, but there really was no arguing. It just doesn't feel right leaving Sapnap to deal with the 'potentially dangerous random person' as techno called them.

"Wait a second. Is that bad AND Sapnap?"

"What?" I snap my head up and my neck cracks. But sure enough, bad and Sapnap are just standing in the middle of the road like complete idiots.

"What are you fools doing?!" Techno yells, rolling his eyes. "I thought someone was after them." He remarks in a lower voice.

"Yeah me too." I talk even lower so only he can hear it, leaving George slightly upset.

"Maybe they were making themselves known. But they're not fools!" George argues. "Maybe they threw off whoever was after them."

George and Sapnap exchange a glance, and George runs up to them.

"So! Do you know who was after you?" He asks. "Lily said she saw green eyes-"

"Bright." I interrupt. "There's a difference between normal green and bright green."

"But where did he go?" Techno asks, looking around.

I follow suit and glance at the nearby attractions. There's buildings all around, and the closest one is caved in. The street is cracked and dust covers everything. At first glance the area we're in is by far the worst yet. When I look closer I see that all the buildings used to be apartments, so this must've been a housing area. A twisted iron gate across the street reads 'orphanage' and I shiver involuntarily.

"You ok, Lily?" Sapnap asks, catching my shiver.

"Yeah, there's an orphanage over there. I once read a story as a kid and it freaked me out forever about them." I never take my eyes off of the orphanage, constantly watching it.

"It's abandoned now, there's nothing left of it." Bad reassures me, and I nod.

"Yeah, I suppose s-" I cut off as I see something in the window. It could be a curtain, and I'm overreacting.

"Lily?" Techno asks, also turning to me. "You just got really pale."

"We can move away from the place if you want." George adds in, staring at me.

"No, no. It's fine. I just... thought I saw something." I shrug it off, but keep part of my attention on the orphanage.

"So what now?" George is asking.

"We would probably leave." Techno says, shrugging. "Pack up and go."

"Wilbur and tommy are probably getting dream, and then we can all go." George smiles, then his smile vanishes. "If they find him."

"They'll find him." Sapnap assures him.

Bad moves closer to me, and is focusing on the building.

"Hey, Lily?" He asks slowly. He brings up his hands to his eyes to peer at the orphanage.

"Yeah? What's up?"I'm confused, what could he want? Yeah I'm also excited to leave this place but why just ask all of us?

"What did you see at the orphanage?" With that one sentence he's managed to catch all of our attentions.

"Bad, it was nothing I'm sure." Sapnap says.

Bad still continues to stare at the building, but I refuse to look at it now.

"Lily. What did you see?" He still asks.

"What does it matter? Even I agree it was probably a figment of my imagination."  I argue. I don't want him to be also scared.

"It matters. Just tell me please." I shrug and give in. I don't want to argue either.

"It was a curtain moving I think. I even thought I saw a hand pulling it back. Was a trick of the light probably." I let out a few light laughs, and shift uncomfortably. "Why? It really doesn't matter."

"It does." He nods, but still looks at the orphanage.

"And why's that..?" George asks, sounding almost... afraid.

"It matters because there's someone there watching us."

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