Chapter 20

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A/N- reminder that there's an epilogue

Sapnap runs his hands through my hair, trying to help calm me down even as the door cracks and splinters.

"It's gonna be ok." He whispers.

"Sap, we're going to die." I stare at him with tear filled eyes, daring him to see the truth.

"No. We are going to live." He says firmly.

"Look around us nick! They're all gone."

Sobs rack my body as Sapnap whispers to me. I tune him out in favor of watching the door splinter away. We really can't get out of this one.

dream POV
I hear Lily crying.
I hear Sapnap trying to calm her down.

Somewhere inside of me I feel a remorse so strong I can't help but pause for a second. I quickly shove those feelings away though.

Lily POV

"I'll tell you where George is if you come out now. Last chance." Dream says.

"He's lying time is Lily. Trying to get us to come out." Sapnap tells me, and I nod.

"Even in our last moments he won't be himself."

"No matter what happens I'll stay with you okay?"

I look up at Sapnap, and nod. "Okay."

The door splinters and we get showered with wood. Sapnap moves in front of me defensively, and I peek around him.


He doesn't respond.

"Dream please we're your friends you don't have to do this!"

He looks at us, his mask up on his head. He pulls it down so we can't see his face, but that makes me feel better.

Sapnap doesn't waver from his spot standing in front of me even as Dream comes closer. In Dream's hand is a small gun, which is most likely how he'll end us.

"Dream, man, you're our friend." Sapnap tries to reason, "we have always been there for you. Why are you doing this?"

"I'm not a bad person." Dream says. "I do what I have to."

"Because killing your friends- stabbing Techno! Is something you have to do." I remark.

"I didn't... Techno was ready to fight me. He was going to." Dream switches mid-sentence. I wonder what he didn't do.

Dream steps closer to us. In a second I observe every last thing I can.

The wind flutters through the broken door, and the air is filled with dust. The only light we can see by is the moonlight, but it's still bright. This is where I'm going to die.

Sapnap is trying to shield me the best he can from Dream, but we both know his efforts won't make much of a difference. Dream is one of the craziest fighters I've ever seen, and I know he can take us both down in a second. He not only is a better fighter than us, but he has more weapons with him.

"Badboyhalo, Tommyinnit, Wilbur, Technoblade, George! Your best friend! And it will end with us. You'll have defeated all of your friends. Was this what you planed the entire time?" Sapnap keeps asking him questions, trying to stop his plans for a few seconds.

"I wasn't lying about George being alive you know."

Suddenly Dream jumps forward and smashes the butt of the gun into Sapnaps temple. Sapnap falls to the ground, just like Tommy.

I fall to the ground with Sapnap, and grab his head before it hits the floor. There's a small trickle of blood, but he otherwise seems unhurt.

"Together till the end." I whisper to him, repeating his worlds from earlier.

I stand and face Dream.

"A lot really sucks about life. But I have to know, what part of life made you do this? Take us all here only to okay a game of cat and mouse?" If I'm going to die I need closure.

"I did it because..." he trails off, seeming confused. "I did it because I had to."

"But why?"

Dream POV
Why. That's the question I've been asking myself for the past few days. Why would I hunt down all my friends?

I feel like I owe Lily this answer, but I just can't find it.

I didn't really want to. I still did it. I knocked George out and dragged him away, even as my heart cried out. I watched Techno bleed from his shoulder after I threw a knife at him. These are my friends, and the truth is that I had no reason.

Almost no reason.

My body moves without my permission, and I watch as Lily crumples. Just like the others.

lily POV

I wait a for a bit as he seems to struggle with himself. Without any warning he moves, and my vision has dots dancing in it before it all fades to black.

A/N- SO. This is it! There will be an epilogue and a second book though, no need to fear!

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