Chapter 8

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A/N OOOO CLIFF HANGER :0 also, I'm so close to 200 reads! I don't wanna be that person, but voting, commenting, and obviously reading helps me a lot :)!

I turn to the orphanage and look at the window. Sure enough, there's a faint figure standing there. It's hard to see them fully because of the curtain, and I'm just now realizing, the jagged and broken glass. It's hardly been 30 seconds and an arrow flies at my face.

Suddenly I'm on the ground, small stones digging into my palms.

"What the-" I groan, sitting up. Techno pulls me the rest of the way up, and we turn to the arrow.

"Are you ok? I didn't mean to push you that hard but... an arrow was about to kill you!" Techno runs a hand through his hair, and lets out a breath.

"She isn't bleeding, I think we need to focus on the fact that someone just shot an arrow at us!" Sapnap yells.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's the person who shot it?" I ask, brushing off some dirt on my pants.

Sapnap grabs the arrow from where it landed behind me, and inspects it.

"They disappeared right after the arrow missed you, but look at this arrow." Sapnap holds up the arrow and I peer at it. "This is quality. Whoever shot this isn't just some hobo."

I look closer at it to see it's made of some dark polished wood, with a metal tip. There's an engraved word on it, most likely the brand. Sapnap is right, though. This isn't some cheap, crude arrow. It's made for killing. And expensive.

"Then who was it?" Techno voices all of our thoughts.

"Guys... I don't like the look of this. Let's get outta here." Bad says, nervously shifting from foot to foot.

"Yeah let's just go." I agree.

"You aren't going anywhere. You have something of mine."  A deep voice growls from behind us, but it's unnatural. Being forced.

We all spin around and Sapnap and techno both stepping in front of us.

"Who are you?!" Techno yells. George presses the handle of a knife into his palm, and techno pulls it out on the person.

The person is still mostly in shadows, but now I can see them a bit better. They have a figure of a man, and a mask is over their face. It had a crude smile carved into an all white circle mask. Terrifying.

"How cute. Tell you what. The chase is the most exciting part of the game. Give me my arrow and I'll let you run." The man says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"this isn't some game! This is life. Leave. Us. Alone." Sapnaps voice is dangerously low, and my eyes widen.

The man, however, seems unaffected by two people holding knives on him.

"If you want any prayer of living give me my arrow." The man says again. This time though, he pulls out a full sword from behind him.

"There's two of us. You'll loose this fight." Techno snarls. Suddenly metal flashes and he throws his knife at the man.

"IDIOT." The man yells, grabbing the knife. He just grabbed it out of the air! Like it was moving slowly.

There's a line of blood on his hand when he drops the knife, but not much. And now we're down a knife.
Techno and Sapnap exchange a glance, and I take a step back. And another. Grabbing bad and George's wrists, I force them to take the next step with me.

"Give him the arrow guys." I whisper.

Sapnap glances back at the three of us and down at the arrow.

"Here. Take the arrow." He throws it at the mans feet and I flinch.

I'm afraid. This could go wrong any second, and one of us can get seriously hurt.

The man laughs though, and grabs it.

"I'll give you five seconds."

"Five seconds for what?" Techno asks.

"To run. Five."

I back up, scrambling backwards. I pull bad and George with me, and I nearly loose my footing. I hiss at techno and Sapnap, and they back up with us.


We start running. My feet hit the ground and we all stick together this time.


What will happen when he finishes counting? Will he run after us on foot, fire a shot at us? I take the next turn and run the fastest.


I could die. We all could die. We need to find Wilbur, Tommy, and dream. We need to get out of here. Warn them. Hide. Run.
My head is everywhere.


His voice somehow still echos after us. Nobody speaks a word, and we run as quietly as possible.


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