Chapter 2

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A/N- I wrote this once but accidentally deleted it all. Sorry if it's not that good I'm upset.

"Hey!" Techno yells, jumping out from around the corner.

I jump, and my hand flies to my heart. It's pounding. "Jerk." I mutter, and although he looks a little sorry, it's not enough.

"Be nice to the lady." Wilbur chimes in. And I smile over at him.

"See? At least someone here knows how to be nice." Techno now looks really sorry and I laugh. "I'm just messing with you. But don't do it again."

He looks relieved and laughs. "I think your reaction was good enough that I don't have to do it again."

After we left the others we went into a building and decided to split up. We were supposed to be looking for stuff, but judging by all of our empty hands I'm guessing there was nothing.

"Yeah, whatever. Should we head back? I don't wanna be stuck out here in the dark."

"I agree. Let's go back." Wilbur adds.

Techno nods, and we all start walking out of the building, but when we exit I stop.

"Look at that!" I extend a finger to the skyline, where an amazing sunset is just finishing.

"Pretty nice." Wilbur agrees.

After a few minutes we continue walking back to the camp. When we get there I notice that all the tents are set up, and a fire is already going.

"Wow. You guys have been busy. Anyone have s'mores?" I remark.

"Hotdog first. I saved you two." Dream hand me a plate, and I take it. Despite what he said I also see s'mores stuff on it. "You guys too. Here." He also hands Wilbur and techno a plate.

I finish quickly, and make my s'more. Right before I take a bite, I say something. Something I regret the second it comes out of my mouth. "All that's missing is a campfire song." Flashbacks from the car ride come in and I widen my eyes. Why did I say that?!

"Actually..." Wilbur says, pulling a guitar out of nowhere. Bad must see the horror in my eyes because he nudged me.

"You'll want to hear this. We've been begging to hear his new song." He whispers.

Wilbur has a few false starts before glaring at his guitar. "I forgot my own bloody song!" He yells. "I have the chorus though."

I settle in and wait. It's a few suspenseful seconds before he starts, and when he does, I let out a low gasp.

"You're in her bed but I'm in her twitch chat.
I've got her key but your just her door mat.
And even though you've got social skills doesn't mean I can't pay her bills,
Anyways make the most of him because she moves on pretty bloody quick.
Ooooo ohhh."

Everyone's shocked for a second. He is amazing.

"THAT WAS SICK!" Tommy exclaims, and we all laugh and clap.

"Really was amazing." I agree.

I stand up, and sigh. "Well, I'm going to head to bed. Maybe we can get an early start tomorrow?"

"Yeah. That's a good idea." Dream says, also standing up.

I give a awkward wave, and duck into my tent. I zip it closed behind me and roll out my sleeping bag.

Snuggling in, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


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