Chapter 10

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A/N the big 10! I can't believe it's already been 10 chapters. Thank you for 254 reads, 54 of which popped up overnight. I love you all, just thank you. THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHH. If I keep getting reads like this I'm gonna run out of chapters to post 👀

"Ok, so I say we hide near the campsite. He will be expecting us at the campsite." Sapnap explains his plan, and I nod.

"Expecting us to run to the car." I add.

Sapnap nods, and stands up.

"I'll go first, techno you'll be in the back." Techno agrees to this, which surprises me. "George, Lily, bad, that leaves you guys in the middle."

"I volunteer to be in the back of the middle. In front of techno." I say.

"Ill go behind Sapnap I guess." George shrugs.

"I have a metal bat at camp if we make it back and can get it." I gape at Sapnap. A metal bat?! Why would you bring that to a metal bat for an adventure?

"You won't be going anywhere." Stepping out into the light, so we can fully see him, the man that was after us said.

I jump and back up, eyes wide. He found us so fast... he turns on me fast, and I take another step back. I can just see his eyes through the mask, and the intensity in them scares me.
I move to take another step back but my shoe gets caught on a stone slightly lifted up and I stumble, falling back.

My breath gets knocked out of me and I gasp. In less then a second a sword is at my throat and people are screaming. I'm disoriented and it takes me a second to realize what's happening. When I fell the man pulled out his sword and pounced, like a lion killing its prey.

"Please..." I gasp out.

"LET HER GO!" Sapnap yells, trying to grab the man.

"Anyone touches me and I kill her." He snarls, and everyone freezes. "God..."

"Please, we don't want anybody to get hurt. We can talk about this!" George begs, eyes hopeful.

The man laughs and shakes his head "naive." He mutters something after it, sounding suspiciously like "I forgot." But that wouldn't make sense.

"Before I die can't you at least tell me who you are?" I ask, a stranger sort of bravery coming to me. "Or are you too chicken?"

For my last comment he presses the blade into my throat and I can feel blood appear. I also know because techno lets out a low gasp, and steps up.

The man cocks his head and his eyes dart to the side. "Do you really wanna do that?" He asks. "Consider who I have here."

Techno growls, and steps back. Sapnap puts a hand on his shoulder and glares at the man.

"When will you kill me?" I ask, tears coming to my eyes. This is it. My life is over. I won't get to marry, to have kids or have a long life. I don't get to die of old age, instead of a murderer.

The man looks down at me, seemingly troubled. "I've been asking myself that." He clears his throat and speaks a bit louder. "Any last words?"

"Actually if I could write a letter to my family..." I trail off an idea coming to mind.

"No." He hisses. There goes that idea.

"Listen man, you don't have to hurt her." George steps forward, and I know what he's about to do.

But bad beats him to action.

Bad throws himself at the man, and I scramble up and gulp in air. I wipe the blood off my neck and Sapnap pulls me to him, away from where the man is going after bad.

"Bad!" I scream, and struggle against Sapnap.

His eyes meet mine and there's something in them I don't recognize. "Go on without me." Bad yells.

I shake my head "bad! No!" I kick out my legs, desperate to reach bad. I hear Sapnap hiss as I connect with his shin, but I don't care.

"Techno, her legs."

"On it." I feel hands around my legs and I scream.

I recognize somehow that I'm crying, but this doesn't feel real. It feels like I'll open my eyes to bad saying 'get up you muffins!' And bouncing around, excited for the day.

"It's gonna be ok." George says. I stare at him, tears tracking down my face.

A few minutes later, I'm set down, but they stand around me. "Bad... he isn't gone, is he?" I stare up at all of them, waiting for an answer.

They don't reply, and I put my head in my arms and cry harder.

He's gone.

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