Chapter 19

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—Lily POV

Someone knocks on the door.

I bolt upright in a second. I was leaning on Sapnap, and I'm pretty sure we both were about to fall asleep. Not anymore though.

Techno gets to the door before I can, but doesn't make a move to unlock it.

"Hello?" Tommy asks. I'm relieved to know it's him, and not Dream.

"Tommy! Where's Wilbur?" I ask, walking up to the door myself. I go to unlock it, but Techno stops me.

"He uh we split."

"Tommy, are you alone?" Techno inquires.

It may be the fact that he took a beat too long to answer, or the fact that he stutters when answering that gives Dream away.

Tommy is not alone.

"Y-yeah. Why?"

"Tommy." My voice breaks, and the tears start to fall.

"Lily I'm so sorry." Tommy says.

"Listen tommy. I want you to do something for me ok? Have dream talk to us. How far away is he?" Techno asks.

"He's uh-"

"I'm right here."

Sapnap comes to stand by the door with us when he hears Dreams voice.

"If I come out there will you let tommy go?" I can't help myself, I grab Techno's arm.

"No. You aren't going out there!" I shriek.

"I will." Dream says, and Techno reaches to unlock to door.

Techno gives me a sad look.

"Listen. I have a better chance of surviving than Tommy." He tells me.

"Techno, man, you can't go out there. Dream won't honor his deal, let's be honest here." Sapnap says, and I nod frantically.

Techno lowers his voice so that we can just barely hear him.

"I only said I'll go out there. I'm going to run, not give myself away. At the very least I'm going to fight."

He slips away through the door, but not before I go out with him.

Nobody notices me slip out apart from Sapnap, but he still shuts the door and gives me a nod. I have to see what's about to happen for myself.

It all seems to happen in slow motion.

Dream pushes Tommy to the ground, and takes a step closer to Techno.

Without a second thought Techno takes off at a run, surprisingly fast. Dream doesn't even move to follow, so Techno stops about fifty feet away.

If there was some slight cue, or warning, I would've turned away. I wouldn't have watched what was about to happen.

Techno takes a step back closer to Dream.

Dream slams the end of his knife into Tommy's head, and he crumples to the ground.

I put my hands over my mouth to stop a cry, and Techno sees me.

"Dream." He says, trying to draw his attention to him.

I shake my head.

"Come fight me like a man."

I don't see the knife flashing before it's too late.

Dream's knife buries into Techno's shoulder, and he screams.

I turn away and slip back into the safety of the locked door.

I burst into tears and Sapnap is there to press my face to his chest.

Techno's face keeps flashing in my mind. It wasn't fear that was etched into his face, it was calm acceptance.

Techno knew he wasn't going to get out of here alive this entire time.

"Lily?" Sapnap asks.

"He's dead." I choke out. "They're both dead."

Well, they both might not be dead yet. It will be a bit before Techno dies of blood loss if Dream doesn't finish him. And Tommy... I don't know his plan for Tommy.

"He knocked Tommy out." I let out a sob as I try to explain what I saw. "Then he stabbed Techno."

There was some part of me, a part that just died, that had believed maybe Dream wasn't killing us. A part that hoped maybe Dream was just taking us somewhere.

He stabbed Techno.

He knocked out Tommy.

Sapnap and I are hiding like cowards.
Cowards who saw all their friends get caught in front of them.

A knock comes at the door.

"Leave us alone Dream." Sapnap barks.

"Let me in, and I'll let one of you live."

Sapnap scoffs, not believing him. Why would we?

"Dream you killed all the others." I say, sobbing. "All of them."

The first hit he lands on the door does nothing.
The second also does nothing.
It's the third that a crack forms.

Sapnap and I press into the corner of the otherwise empty room.

We are going to die.

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