Chapter 11

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A/N last chapter was insane am I right? Ngl brought tears to my eyes. But thank you all for 290 reads?! WHAT?! It was like yesterday I said thanks for 200 ❤️

We sit there for who knows how long, all of us silent. Even Techno has no snide remarks. Sapnap has moved to be sitting next to me, an arm around my shoulder, and George is on my other side.

"Lily... theres always the-" I cut off George before he can finish his sentence.

"Don't. Don't try to make me feel better with lies." I look up at him, and wipe my cheeks. The words come out harsher than I mean to, and he flinches. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

Techno awkwardly stands in front of us, shifting from foot to foot. "I'm sorry... but we should probably get moving." He says, eyes sympathetic.

"Yeah." I nod, but make no move to get up.

Sapnap takes his arm off my shoulders and gets up. "You guys can stay here a little while longer. Techno and I will look around." He shoots a glare at techno.

George and I nod, and they walk off leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry." I repeat, a bit louder.

"Oh. Um it's fine." George awkwardly says. I lean on his shoulder, and stare blankly at the building across from us.

George starts talking. "Bad was always there. He brought us muffins once. Me, Sapnap, and bad chased dream in Minecraft manhunts." He stops, and I know why.

"He won't be there to play with you guys anymore." I give a weak laugh, "I shouldn't be so upset. You guys were closer to him."

George pulls back so I can see his eyes, wide with shock. "You have every right to be upset. I've seen someone get injured before. I remember when dream went out and got himself into a fight. I thought he was gonna die." It takes me a second to realize George is crying. "He would tell me what to do if he was here."

"But he isn't." It comes out bitter and harsh. "If he was here he could've stopped it. Instead he left."

"He isn't." George agrees, and we both dissolve into tears.


Something pangs inside me, seeing them cry. Seeing them cry because of me.

Back to lily

When Sapnap and techno get back both of our tears have dried up.

"We should probably get going now." Techno says.

George gets up and extends a hand to me. Taking it, I also get up.


As we walk Sapnap keeps glancing back at me, like he's checking I'm still here. The next time he does it I narrow my eyes at him, and his gaze darts away quickly. He falls back, going to walk next to me.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask, cocking my head.

"Doing what?"

I raise an eyebrow, and he looks down. "Looking at me like I'll disappear."

"He went after bad. He could've gone after all of us, or back to you. He also attacked you originally." I'm not understanding his thoughts, and he realizes it. "He is picking us off one by one, starting with the weakest."

"Rude. But true. So what do we do?" Suddenly I'm struck by a thought. "Oh god." I stop dead in my tracks.

Everyone turns to look at me, and Sapnap is catching on. "Tommy." I gasp.

Sapnaps eyes widen, and he curses quietly.

"Language." George peeps quietly, and we meet each other's eyes, both holding back a tear.

"I'll go back to the camp." Techno volunteers and I'm surprised. "I can hold my own, and if your theory is right then I won't have any trouble."

Sapnap meets techno's gaze, eyes worried. "And if I'm wrong?"

"Then I'll take him down." He says it with such force that even I believe he can do it. After Dream Techno was probably the next strongest, and I trust him. "And I hope I do see him."

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