Chapter 13

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A/N ok so unlucky 13 but last chapter had a big event so who knows also back to lily ALSO THIS IS THE MOST FARFETCHED CHAPTER PLEASE STAY WITH ME IT GETS BETTER I PROMISE


"So what just happened?" Sapnap asks George and I'm wondering too.

"Ok, so like I was down this hallway, right?" He pauses for a second then continues, "and I ran into the dude, and I was all 'sorry' because I thought it was an object and I always apologize. You have to be nice. And they were like 'um' and I started freaking out, and their voice was different. Like so much higher. And then he just threw a knife at me!" George is gasping for breath by the end of it so I finish his story for him.

"And now here we are."

Sapnaps gaze hardens, and he speaks up. "Let me get this straight, you ran into the guy hunting us, who hurt bad, and you didn't fight him or anything."

George's eyes widen, and his gaze darts around.
"I know. I know he's trying to hurt us, but I don't want to hurt him. "

It's so nice it hurts. "He held a knife to my throat, and killed bad." My voice is cold, and even.

Sapnaps eyes meet mine, and when his eyes widen I know why. I must have that look again. I shouldn't have said that, because I understand George. Why did I say it? I said it because Bad is gone.

"I'm-" I hardly get the word out before I double over. George rushes to me, and I start retching.

"Lily!" Sapnap cries, also running towards me. Black is at the edges of my vision, and spits dance in front of my eyes.

I run out of food to throw up, and I straighten, wavering and wobbling. "Sorry." I finish, then fall.


As lily snaps, I'm smiling. My smile vanishes a few seconds later when she starts throwing up, and passes out.

"Idiot." I mutter to myself, mad.

When I cut her with my knife I knew what I was doing. My blade was tipped with special poison, that when it comes into contact with the blood stream, will start invading her body. I didn't cut deep enough though and only a little got into her system. It was hardly enough to make her snap twice, confirming my doubts.

The poison can work two ways. One is that it will kill the person. The other is that, if in tiny amounts and if the person has a strong will not to die, it will change their brain. It makes them into a harsher person. Unfortunately, in this case, because Lily just stupidly thew it all up she won't snap anymore.

"That's no fun." I mutter to myself, like a child who learned their toy actually wasn't fun to play with.

At least it's amusing to watch George and Sapnap freak out.


I open my eyes, a feeling of panic setting in. I bolt up, and someone grabs my arm.

"Lily, don't move too fast." George reprimands, and I spin around.

"What happened?" I ask, confused. We're inside of another building, this one much more open.

"We don't know. You just passed out. We got you here." Sapnap holds out a piece of bread he had in his backpack, and I eat it.

"That's why." I say, eyes lighting up, then darkening. "Oh my god."

"What? What's wrong?" George panics.


"What?!" Sapnaps eyes widen.

"That guy put this type of poison on his blade, that's why i haven't been thinking like myself. And when I threw up I got it out of my system. The passing out must've also been from it." I explain.

"Wait Wait Wait. So you got poisoned?!" George exclaims.

"He didn't cut me deep enough to be lethal. The amount of poison, and the type, makes it so my brain is altered to an angrier state. It only did that, and now I should be fine."

Sapnaps jaw is practically on the floor. "First, your brain is fine now right? Second, how do you know this?!"

I give a weak laugh. "Yeah I'm fine now. But I used to want to be a detective. So I studied up on poisons, knifes, all that."

George laughs and shakes his head. "So you were a weird kid huh?"

I laugh with him and nod. "Guess so."

"I'm just glad you're ok." Sapnap says, rolling his eyes.

I agree with his statement. But from what I know about this poison, it's extremely rare. Whoever the guys is he must have a lot of money to be able to get it. There's something almost... crazy about the way he's attacking us. I have no doubt he could take us all down. Instead he's playing with us, tricking us, and trapping us.

And I don't like that thought at all.

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