Chapter 15

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A/N- don't worry Dream is still alive. Didn't want to worry you guys for too long! Also TW violence

Im still blinking in confusion at the doorway where dream went, before realizing Sapnap and George had moved away. I run to catch up with them, and slow when I do reach them.

"Where did he come from?" I ask, walking backwards with George and Sapnap so I'm facing them. "He just showed up!"

George looks nervously past my shoulder, "I have a theory. You won't like it though."

A feeling of dread fills my stomach. "Spill."

"I think bad is still alive. Dreams reaction to bad seemed off. So I think the man is using bad to force dream to find out information about what we are doing." George rushes out.

Sapnap and I stop, and stare.

"You just- I-" I stutter.

"What Lily is trying to say, is WHAT?!"

George gives a weak laugh. "Yeah. It sounds crazy."

"Suggesting Dream is the one chasing us is less crazy." I roll my eyes, and give a laugh. Both Sapnap and George are staring at me like I just murdered their pets though. "Guys. It was a joke, calm down!"

"Not a very funny one, then, is it?" Sapnap hisses, walking off.

"What's his problem?" I ask George, but he just shrugs and runs after him, leaving me trailing in their wake, very confused.

"Sapnap!" I Call, "guys I'm sorry!"

They stop at the doors, which are wide open, and I sigh in relief. I have no clue what they're mad about, but I don't want them to stay mad. I walk the last few steps up to them, dust clouds billowing up under my feet.

"Guys I'm really sorry. I mean I'm not quite sure what I did but whatever I did I'm so sorry for." I ramble on, not really paying attention.

"Oh my god." George gasps out, staring out the door.

"What?" I narrow my eyes. "Did you just completely ignore what I said? Are we doing that?"

"No, Lily, look." Sapnap says, pointing.

When I do look, I wish I hadn't. It's a battlefield.

Techno, Wilbur, and tommy are all fighting the masked man, blades flashing. Although it's 3 v 1, they're losing. And badly at that.

I rush outside, only to have to duck around a corner when a knife flashes at me. "Why us?" I groan, and race around the corner.

I grab Tommy and drag him into the nearest building.

"What's going on?" I hiss, waving my hands frantically. "It's a battle out there!"

"I-I don't know! Techno found us and we were walking and this guy with a mask just jumped out at us! Next thing I knew he was like trying to kill us."

Horror is etched into my face, and it's clear to see it. Luckily Techno appears and doesn't notice.

"It's getting bad out there." He says, wiping blood from a cut on his cheek. "This guy... he's insane."

He notices me staring at his cut and turns, but the hood of his hoodie, or where it used to be, is almost worse.

"I..." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"I should probably get back out there. Sapnap has joined us, I guess. You guys should stay here."

He runs back into the fray, leaving Tommy and I alone again.

"Are we act-" I start to say, but tommy knows what I'm thinking.


I give a light laugh, and we both step out of the building. I pull out my knife, ready to defend myself and my friends. I won't back down.

I dodge and weave through the others, progressively getting closer. Before I can make another move though, we all freeze.

He has Tommy.

Bleeding badly and being supported by the man, a knife is held at his throat.

With satisfaction I note that the man has multiple cuts, and our efforts weren't in vain.

"Stop." The mans voice growls out, deep and hoarse. "I don't care for this one, and will not hesitate to kill him."

Techno appears next to me, genuine fear written all over his face.

"What's wrong with you?! I told you two to stay inside! I knew that idiot would launch himself at the guy the first chance he got!" I'm silently crying, and Techno notices and stops.

"God... this really is all my fault isn't it?" I whisper.

"No! No, I didn't mean what I just said I'm... I'm just worried for the kid ok? I'm sorry."

I wipe my tears and look up at him.

"Wont stop me from doing what I'm about to do, though." Before I can do anything else, or Techno tries to stop me, a voice screams out something.


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